The Antidote To Tyranny Is Liberty, Not Democracy Or International Government

The Antidote To Tyranny Is Liberty, Not Democracy Or International Government

Political language manipulates political debate. Abortion opponents who define themselves as “pro-life” semantically render abortion proponents as “pro-death.” Abortion supporters who define themselves as “pro-choice” semantically render any opposition as “anti-choice.” Who wants to be “pro-death” or “anti-choice,” after all? Such is the nature of politics. Words are weapons: when wielded deftly, they shape the battlespace for our minds.

What If COVID Outbreak Is Part Of The Pentagon’s Biowarfare Plan?

What If COVID Outbreak Is Part Of The Pentagon's Biowarfare Plan?

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), the state news agency of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), has recently accused the US of being a “sponsor of biological terrorism”, adding that allegations that Washington is behind the COVID-19 pandemic are “by no means fortuitous”.

COVID Lies Exposed

COVID Lies Exposed

After two years of unprecedented government tyranny in the name of fighting a virus, the prime instigators of this infamy are walking free, writing books, and openly pretending they never said the things they clearly said over and over.

Matt Pottinger: The US Intelligence Agent Who Shutdown The World

Matt Pottinger The US Intelligence Agent Who Shut Down The World

In 1948, the US House of Representatives received a tip from a man named Whittaker Chambers that several federal officials had been working for the communists. One of these officials was more than happy to appear before Congress to clear his name—a leading State Department and United Nations representative named Alger Hiss.

What Happens When Taliban Gets Hold Of Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons

What Happens When Taliban Gets Hold Of Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons

All administrations attempt to put a certain amount of spin on reality. They tried to paint things in the most positive light. The Biden administration has taken this to an entirely new level. It has dispensed with reality entirely. It has created a completely fictional universe.

The Wuhan ‘Disinformation’

The Wuhan Disinformation

“My sources,” read the incoming email on January 24, 2020, “received reliable information according to which the situation related to corona virus infection is very serious and it’s hundreds the people who drop in the streets like flies both in Wuhan and in other 12 provinces.” The message continued: