Elon Musk Wages War Against The Censorship Industrial Complex

Elon Musk has waged war against the Censorship Industrial Complex, which includes organizations such as the Center for Countering Digital Hate, a dark money operation headed by a purported ex-intelligence agent from Britain. The world’s wealthiest man started the process of dismantling the censorship-industrial complex, which is a complex web of government agencies, think tanks, […]

Israel Could Face Strategic Defeat Says Pentagon Chief

In a speech at the Reagan National Defence Forum in Simi Valley, California Pentagon Chief Lloyd J. Austin III said that Israel could face strategic defeat if Palestinian civilians are not protected. Israel has the military edge, but Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin has caused some controversy by claiming that Israel will suffer a “strategic […]

Imagine Earth With 1000 People

The United Nations Population Division’s population figures were used by Visual Capitalists to imagine Earth with 1000 people. Over the past 50 years, the number of people on the planet has doubled. We will have 8 billion people on Earth by 2022. UN estimates state that by July 2023, there will be 8,045,311,447 people on […]

40 Countries Are Going For Elections In 2024

The international environment around the 2024 elections will be contentious and unstable, with 40 countries going for elections next year, including the USA, EU, and India. Elections in 2024 will impact about 2 billion people, or a quarter of the world’s population, including those in the US, EU, UK, Taiwan, India, and Russia. Some will […]

Argentina Rejects Sovereignty And Falls Into IMF’s Debt Trap

Argentina has fallen into the IMF’s debt trap, rejecting sovereignty. At the moment, Argentina uses nearly all of its foreign exchange profits to settle its external debt. Argentina gets into IMF’s debt pit In Argentina, ultra-liberal economist Javier Milei became victorious in the run-off for president. With 55.8% of the vote, he won. His opponent, […]

Ukrainian Military Pilot Defects To Russia

A Russian military strike helicopter pilot, named by TASS as Aleksey Voevoda, informed TASS that a Ukrainian military pilot defected to Russia. According to TASS on Saturday, a military pilot from the Armed Forces of Ukraine has defected to Russia. The story cited an individual who is said to have arranged the pilot’s flight over […]

Is CIA Planning Palace Coup Against Zelensky

According to a security expert, the CIA is planning a palace coup against Zelensky. The assassinations of factional lieutenants are already a result of internal conflict within the Ukrainian government. CIA Director William Burns, according to international affairs and security analyst Mark Sleboda, would either order President Zelensky to step down or “tamp down” the […]

FBI Trained Bomber Dogs To Blow Up Russian Positions In LPR

Documents discovered in the former Severodonetsk demining and cynology center revealed that the FBI and Ukraine trained bomber dogs to blow up Russian positions in LPR. An employee of Lugansk’s intelligence services earlier claimed that anonymous individuals had attempted to destroy records attesting to the cooperation between the US Federal Bureau of Investigation and the […]

CIA’s Zelensky VS MI6’s Zaluzhny

A recent Washington Post article alleges a disgraced Ukrainian officer coordinated a sabotage attack on the Nord Stream pipeline. Former CIA officer Larry Johnson dismisses the report as absurd, emphasizing a concealed MI6/CIA dispute within Ukraine. In an effort to deflect attention away from Washington’s accusation that Ukraine was responsible for the assaults in September […]

Is The Head Of The CIA A Pawn Or A Peacemaker?

The head of the CIA, Bill Burns, might be labeled either a pawn or a peacemaker if he used his expertise in Russia to help negotiate an end to the ongoing brutal and unwinnable war. The CIA has largely failed in its only legal mission, which is to give US policymakers accurate intelligence about the […]