Iran’s Plot To Assassinate US National Security Advisor John Bolton As Revenge For Soleimani Killing

Iran's Plot To Assassinate US National Security Advisor John Bolton As Revenge For Soleimani Killing

Recently released court filings (read below) and press reports suggest that the two men apprehended for impersonating federal agents last week in Washington, D.C., might have been part of an Iranian assassination team whose mission was to kill former high-ranking U.S. officials. Yet even as the Biden administration became aware of a possible Iranian plot to kill Americans on American soil—an act of war—White House aides continued to negotiate the restoration of the Iran nuclear deal while seeking to accommodate the clerical regime’s thirst for revenge against former Trump administration officials: U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Special Envoy for Iran Brian Hook, and National Security Advisor John Bolton.

How US Military Created COVID-19

The study, “MSH3 homology and potential recombination link to SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage Site,” (read below) published in Frontiers on February 21, 2022, identified that a tiny snippet of code in Covid is identical to part of a gene patented by Moderna three years before the pandemic. Scientists claim that there is a one-in-three-trillion chance that Moderna’s sequence randomly appeared through natural evolution.

Why The Minsk Agreements Failed To Stop Genocide Of Donbass

The Minsk Peace Agreements were the only way to seek a long-term diplomatic solution to the Donbass conflict in the winter of 2015. Why did the agreements have to be made? What were the primary points they made? Who was to blame for the Minsk Agreement’s failure to stop the genocide of Donbass and secure peace?

Putting Big Bad Pharma Back On Trial In The COVID-19 Era

Putting Big Bad Pharma Back On Trial In The COVID-19 Era

After graduating from Columbia University with a chemical engineering degree, my grandfather went on to work for Pfizer for almost two decades, culminating his career as the company’s Global Director of New Products. I was rather proud of this fact growing up — it felt as if this father figure, who raised me for several years during my childhood, had somehow played a role in saving lives.

How Ukraine Textbooks Teach Young Children to Hate Russians

How Ukraine Textbooks Teach Young Children to Hate Russians

The psychological warfare front in Ukraine was opened decades ago, but the distortion of history became a key strategy after the 2014 Maidan coup. Western consultants distributed budgets in a diversified manner. Information strategies directed at children became a key focus of their work, regardless of the harm caused to children’s psyche.