Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Shot During Campaign Speech

Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Shot During Campaign Speech

Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe has been shot during a campaign speech. The 67-year-old was shot from a distance of about 10 feet (3 meters). Reports claim that the suspect Yamagami Tatsuya, 41, remained on the scene up until his apprehension.

Watch The Georgia Guidestones Explode

Fox 5 Atlanta reported that investigators said unknown people detonated an explosive device at around 4 a.m., which resulted in the Georgia Guidestones being partially destroyed.

The Great Reset In Action: Ending Freedom Of The Press, Speech, And Expression

The Great Reset In Action Ending Freedom Of The Press Speech And Expression

Governments, corporations, and elites have always been fearful of the power of a free press, because it is capable of exposing their lies, destroying their carefully crafted images, and undermining their authority. In recent years, alternative journalism has been growing and more people are relying on social media platforms as sources of news and information. In response, the corporate state, digital conglomerates, and the mainstream media have been increasingly supportive of the silencing and censoring of alternative media outlets and voices that challenge the official narrative on most issues.

‘Reset The Table’: Looming Food Shortages Are Not Happening By Accident

Reset The Table Looming Food Shortages Are Not Happening By Accident

It seems nothing escapes the prophetic minds of the self-proclaimed designers of the future. They accurately foresee “natural disasters” and foretell coincidental “acts of God.” They know everything before it happens. Perhaps they truly are prophets. Or, perhaps they’re simply describing the inevitable outcomes of their own actions.

WATCH: Flying Nuclear Powered Sky Hotel

In a Youtube video highlighting scientific breakthroughs, Hashem Al-Ghaili, a Yemeni science communicator and video producer known for his infographics and videos highlighting scientific breakthroughs, proposed the concept of a flying nuclear powered sky hotel.

The Return Of Industrial Warfare

The Return Of Industrial Warfare

This reality should be a concrete warning to Western countries, who have scaled down military industrial capacity and sacrificed scale and effectiveness for efficiency. This strategy relies on flawed assumptions about the future of war, and has been influenced by both the bureaucratic culture in Western governments and the legacy of low-intensity conflicts. Currently, the West may not have the industrial capacity to fight a large-scale war. If the US government is planning to once again become the arsenal of democracy, then the existing capabilities of the US military-industrial base and the core assumptions that have driven its development need to be re-examined.