Battle Of Lepanto – The Holy League & The Takeover Of Europe

On October 7, 1571, the Ottoman Empire and a Christian alliance known as The Holy League engaged in battle at Lepanto. Before the advent of the age of sail, it was the final significant battle between navies employing oar-powered ships. It is significant because it demonstrated to Europe that the Ottomans could be vanquished and […]

The Secret Meeting That Created United Nations – Dumbarton Oaks Conference

The Dumbarton Oaks Conference, or more formally the Washington Conversations on International Peace and Security Organization, was a global gathering where ideas for the creation of a “general international organization,” which would later become the United Nations, were developed and negotiated. The United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and China served as the […]

Was The Yom Kippur War Planned By The Russians?

Dr. Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez, associate associates at the Truman Institute at Hebrew University, argue that the Yom Kippur War was planned by the Russians. The Soviet Union opposed the Egyptian-Syrian onslaught that started the Yom Kippur War in 1973, according to the historical narrative that has prevailed. The last thing the Kremlin needed […]

How Did Cleopatra Die

We might never know for sure how Cleopatra died, as the majority of the story is still a mystery. Cleopatra VII, the Egyptian pharaoh, barricaded herself within a tomb she had constructed on the grounds of her Alexandrian palace on an August day in 30 B.C. The Queen of the Nile then sent for a […]

Khopesh – The Deadly Sword That Forged The Egyptian Empire

Khopesh – The Lethal Blade Paving the Way for the Egyptian Empire: Despite its profound ties to Egypt, the khopesh did not originate within its borders. Mesopotamia took the lead in crafting the earliest forms of the khopesh by the beginning of the second millennium BC. Ancient Egypt had a significant role in the development […]

What Was Young Stalin Like?

The article below offers a glimpse into the early life of Stalin, shedding light on his character and experiences before he assumed leadership of the Soviet Union in 1924 and remained in power until his passing in 1953. Joseph Stalin’s early life spans the years from his birth on December 18, 1878 (or December 6, […]

mRNA Detected In Breast Milk After COVID-19 Vaccination: New Study

According to a study published in the Lancet in September, mRNA has been detected in breast milk after the COVID-19 vaccination. The mRNA from COVID-19 immunizations “spreads systemically” throughout the body, according to a recent Lancet research, and can even end up in breast milk given to newborns by their immunized mothers. This finding supports […]

How A CIA Front EcoHealth Alliance Was Involved In Creation Of Coronavirus

In a recent post on X, former EcoHealth Alliance scientist Andrew Huff revealed how the CIA Front EcoHealth Alliance was involved in the creation of coronavirus. It’s important to review claims made by former EcoHealth Alliance scientist Andrew Huff about the CIA’s alleged ties to EcoHealth and COVID-19 in light of Tuesday night’s shocking report […]

Fauci Was ‘Smuggled’ Into CIA Headquarters To “Influence” COVID-19 Origins Investigation

According to a new accusation by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Fauci was smuggled’ into CIA Headquarters to influence” the COVID-19 origins investigation. According to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci was brought into the CIA’s headquarters “without a record of entry,” where he “participated in the analysis […]