A Post-Dollar World Is Coming

The US owes the rest of the world a net of $18 trillion at the moment, which is 73% of its GDP, considerably exceeding the 50% mark that has frequently signalled currency crises in the past, all of which suggest the coming of a post-dollar world.

The 100 Year War To Destroy Russia

The 100 Year War To Destroy Russia

The Beginning. “I come from the South and I know what war is, for I have seen its terrible wreckage and ruin. It is easy for me as President to declare war. I do not have to fight, and neither do the gentlemen on the Hill who now clamor for it. It is some poor farmer’s boy, or the son of some poor widow – who will have to do the fighting and dying.” Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, 1913-1921.

The “Great Reset”: A Blueprint For Destroying Freedom, Innovation, And Prosperity

The Great Reset A Blueprint For Destroying Freedom Innovation And Prosperity

How do nations become wealthy? Many are blessed with abundant natural resources. Others conquer foreign lands. Some specialize in unique trade skills and crafts. Timber, mining, fishing, sugar, rum, narcotics, cotton, silk, agriculture, conquest, human slavery, manufacturing, oil, industry, banking, and so on — depending on the century and the region, nations have attained tremendous wealth in myriad ways. Notice that no nation has managed merely to print money and tax its citizens on the path to prosperity. Real wealth cannot simply be conjured from thin air. There must be recognized value in what a nation and its citizens possess.

The New Peer-Review: Why ‘Unbiased’ Science Is Now Often Misleading

The New Peer-Review Why Unbiased Science Is Now Often Misleading

The astute reader will recognize that any asserted scientific “fact” or “conclusion” must be tempered with common sense, healthy skepticism, and a closer examination of those who stand to gain. This is the reality of the new peer-review and why ‘unbiased’ science is now often misleading.

Jared Kushner And The Mystery Of The First US Lockdown

Jared Kushner And The Mystery Of The First US Lockdown

The possibility of US lockdowns – never attempted on this scale in the history of pandemics – was already in the air in early March 2020. The theory of lockdown had been floating around for 15 years but now China was first to try it, and claim enormous success, however fraudulently.

Working From Home Now Means Letting Corporate Surveillance Into Your Daily Life

Working From Home Now Means Letting Corporate Surveillance Into Your Daily Life

In a society where anyone can now be terminated from their job and lose their income for an inadvertent comment on social media, what might happen if the same kind of penalties were applied to domestic debates? This is the reality of working from home which now means letting corporate surveillance into your daily life.

The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks Of An Authoritarian Regime

The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics Hallmarks Of An Authoritarian Regime

With every passing day, the United States government borrows yet another leaf from Nazi Germany’s playbook: Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies. Surveillance. Censorship. Intimidation. Harassment. Torture. Brutality. Widespread corruption. Entrapment. Indoctrination. Indefinite detention.