Poland Buys Gold As Per Secret EU Plan

The Polish central bank has purchased approximately 300 metric tonnes of gold in recent years in an effort to align its GDP-to-gold ratio with the average for the eurozone, as outlined in the secret EU plan. For those unaware, the European Union’s (EU) ultimate goal is for every nation to adopt the euro and join […]

Italy Bans Lab-Grown Meat

In a Facebook post, Italy’s Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, announced on November 16 that Italy bans lab-grown meat. Italy was the first nation to outlaw cultivated meat, citing concerns for the welfare of its people, the farming sector, and the economy. Lab-grown meat sometimes referred to as “cultivated meat,” is produced in a laboratory […]

Israel Could Face Strategic Defeat Says Pentagon Chief

In a speech at the Reagan National Defence Forum in Simi Valley, California Pentagon Chief Lloyd J. Austin III said that Israel could face strategic defeat if Palestinian civilians are not protected. Israel has the military edge, but Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin has caused some controversy by claiming that Israel will suffer a “strategic […]

US Needs Gaza War To Destabilize BRICS

The US needs to win the Gaza War to destabilize BRICS to carry on with the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) proposal presented in September at the G20 meeting in New Delhi. Veteran geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar told the New Rules program that the Biden administration needs an Israeli win in Gaza to undercut BRICS […]

Syria Launches Initiative To Establish Global Tribunal For Chemical Weapons

The Syrian Arab Republic has put forward an initiative to tackle the long-standing justice gap in international law by proposing the establishment of a global tribunal for chemical weapons. Discussions on the project were attended by diplomats from at least 44 nations on every continent. Despite being prohibited by the Geneva Conventions and the Chemical […]

Russia Takes Control Of Iraq’s Biggest Oil Discovery For 20 Years

After Iraq’s Oil Ministry approved Inpex, the big oil corporation of Japan, to sell its share of Iraq’s biggest oil discovery, ‘Block 10’, Russia is set to take control of it for 20 years. Iraq’s Eridu oil field is estimated to have reserves of seven to ten billion barrels based on preliminary estimations. Speaking exclusively […]

Imagine Earth With 1000 People

The United Nations Population Division’s population figures were used by Visual Capitalists to imagine Earth with 1000 people. Over the past 50 years, the number of people on the planet has doubled. We will have 8 billion people on Earth by 2022. UN estimates state that by July 2023, there will be 8,045,311,447 people on […]

Will Israel Confiscate Palestinian Gas For EU

There is potential for Israel to confiscate Palestinian gas for the EU as part of the EU-Israel-Saudi Arabia-Emirates-India Corridor. The Biden White House is raving about the impending Gaza truce it helped arrange, acting as though it’s “on the verge” of its “biggest diplomatic victory,” while the rest of the world is lamenting “Israeli genocide.” […]

40 Countries Are Going For Elections In 2024

The international environment around the 2024 elections will be contentious and unstable, with 40 countries going for elections next year, including the USA, EU, and India. Elections in 2024 will impact about 2 billion people, or a quarter of the world’s population, including those in the US, EU, UK, Taiwan, India, and Russia. Some will […]

Argentina Rejects Sovereignty And Falls Into IMF’s Debt Trap

Argentina has fallen into the IMF’s debt trap, rejecting sovereignty. At the moment, Argentina uses nearly all of its foreign exchange profits to settle its external debt. Argentina gets into IMF’s debt pit In Argentina, ultra-liberal economist Javier Milei became victorious in the run-off for president. With 55.8% of the vote, he won. His opponent, […]