Can Ukraine Win The War With F-16s

On Saturday, Ukrainian Air Force spokesman Yury Ignat claimed that Ukraine won the war with F-16s. US Air Force chief Frank Kendall has poured cold water on claims that F-16s will have a significant impact in helping Ukraine defeat Russian forces, conceding that the American-made fighter jets won’t be a “game-changer” for Kiev because airpower isn’t playing […]

If US Defaults On Its Debt, What Happens To World Economy

Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, said that if the US defaults on its debt, no corner of the global economy will be spared. If the debt crisis roiling Washington were eventually to send the United States crashing into recession, America’s economy would hardly sink alone. The repercussions of a first-ever default on the […]

Is The U.S. Preparing To Punish OPEC?

The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary is reportedly preparing a bill to pressure the OPEC oil producers’ group to punish OPEC for the recent positive developments out of the Middle East. In early May, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary was reportedly considering a bill to pressure the  OPEC oil producers’ group to […]

Visualizing The Rise Of America’s Debt Ceiling

The Rise of America’s Debt Ceiling has been visualized below using data from various sources, including the World Bank, U.S. Department of the Treasury, and Congressional Research Service. Every few years the debt ceiling standoff puts the credit of the U.S. at risk. In January, the $31.4 trillion debt limit – the amount of debt the U.S. […]

The 2024 Presidential Election Could Make Or Break Bitcoin

Who wins the 2024 Presidential Election could make or break Bitcoin, as baby boomers are openly hostile towards Bitcoin. The race for the 2024 U.S. presidential election is starting to kick into gear, featuring some of the same cast of characters from the last few elections. On the Democratic side, you have Joe Biden, Robert F. Kennedy and Marianne […]

NYC, Chicago Clash Migrant Surge Crushes Cities’ Finances

New York City and Chicago grapple with financial strain as migrant surge puts pressure on city resources. An expected surge in migration at the border with Mexico is setting off alarm bells in states and cities across the US — and stoking tension between Joe Biden and fellow Democrats just as the president’s reelection bid […]

Visualizing The Number Of Failed Crypto Coins, By Year (2013-2022)

These graphics from CoinKickoff break down and visualize the number of failed crypto coins by year (2013-2022). Ever since the first major crypto boom in 2011, tens of thousands of cryptocurrency coins have been released to market. And while some cryptocurrencies performed well, others have ceased to trade or have ended up as failed or abandoned […]

All About The ‘Dirty Harry’ ISI Officer, Whom Imran Khan Blamed For His Condition

‘Dirty Harry’ is an ISI officer whom Imran Khan blamed for his condition. Imran Khan alleged that this officer had been involved in previous assassination attempts on him and was also responsible for the murder of journalist Arshad Sharif. In a video posted shortly before Imran Khan – the former Prime Minister of Pakistan and […]

DHS Uses ‘Encrypted Chatroom’ To Tell Illegals When To Cross Rio Grande

The Center for Immigration Studies has learned that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) uses an encrypted chatroom to inform undocumented immigrants of the timing for crossing the Rio Grande. In recent days, large crowds of immigrants have formed on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande fully prepared to swim over well-worn crossing spots […]