Russia To Accept Bitcoin And Gold For Natural Gas

The present volume and liquidity of the Bitcoin market raises doubts about whether the peer-to-peer currency can be extensively employed in global trade at this time. Nevertheless, Russia has chosen to accept Bitcoin and gold for natural gas.

Russian Assassination Squads Hunt Zelensky

The Kremlin has disputed US media claims that Russia had compiled a list of Ukrainians to kidnap or murder in the event of a conflict. But it would appear that currently, a few Russian assassination squads are hunting Zelensky.

How US Sanctions on Russia Would Speed up DeDollarisation and Help Rise of Yuan?

According to geopolitical researcher Brian Berletic, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently declared that the dollar has no major rivals in the globe, but that assertion could be “wishful thinking” on Washington’s behalf. On the contrary, US sanctions on Russia could speed up dedollarisation and help the rise of Yuan.