How Chinese Holistic Medicine Treat You Rather Than The Symptoms Hurting You

Holistic medical practitioners exist in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all share a dedication to curing the person rather than the condition. Traditional herbalists and bodyworkers to naturopathic physicians and holistic health doctors all have different scopes of practise. The health of the body and its ability to resist infectious disease are equally as essential as the germ itself in Chinese holistic medicine which treats you rather than the symptoms that are hurting you.

Over Half The Deaths Seen By This Funeral Director Were Caused By COVID Vaccines

Fifteen embalmers are all seeing odd fatal clotting in people that first started in 2021. As many as 65% of cases are affected. Just like the DMED data, this evidence is being totally ignored by the mainstream press and medical community as well as the CDC and other HHS agencies. The only explanation that fits all the facts is that the vaccines are killing Americans in massive numbers and should be immediately halted.

The Suppressed History Of How Pandemics Are Created

When American journalist Celia Farber courageously published, in Harper’s Magazine (March 2006) the article “Out of control—AIDS and the corruption of medical science,” some readers probably attempted to reassure themselves that this “corruption” was an isolated case. This is very far from the truth. It is only the tip of the iceberg. Corruption of research is a widespread phenomenon currently found in many major, supposedly contagious health problems.

The Myths of Anshan for Ganga

Village girl Sulekha’s new incarnation of that of Sadavi Padmavati of Matri Sadan, has a huge cost associated with it: Neither she could go for Samsara, nor she can aspire for Nirvana. The wheel chair that is her sole companion amidst the descending gloom from all sides.