How Bad Is My Batch – The Story Of My Vaccine Injury By Dr Robert Malone

In fact, I do have a personal life. My wife of of 42 years and I are actually pretty private. Sharing personal history is not something I do everyday. However, as many of you know – I was vaccinated with Moderna twice and had a pretty significant vaccine injury. This was pretty early in the roll-out of the vaccines. It was long before the FOIA Japanese pre-clinical trial data that had so many red-flags and irregularities, long before we learned of all the issues with the clinical trials, and long before the VAERs and adverse events began to be known.

Baby Girl Dies From Brain Hemorrhage 5 Days After Pfizer Vaccine Shot

A heartbreaking statement of a mother who lost her baby due to brain hemorrhage after she got the vaccine has recently surfaced. The video that she uploaded has taken people by storm as the mother, who claims to be a pro-vaccine individual discovers the sides of the vaccine she didn’t want to see.

How COVID Vaccines Exposed India’s Adverse Events Reporting System

Adverse events are among the most heavily scrutinised parts of the covid-19 vaccine process. But India’s system was woefully unprepared for this, leaving families confused, sowing vaccine hesitancy in communities, while robbing the system of valuable data, reports Priyanka Pulla.

Is Pfizer Using Children As Legal Human Shields To Get Full Authorization For COVID Vaccines?

What the corporate press, Big Pharma, and the federal government are telling us is not true. Contrary to popular belief there is still no FDA approved COVID vaccine available in the United States today. And there are no plans to make one available in the near future. This begs the question, is Pfizer using children as legal human shields to get full authorization for its COVID vaccines?