Disinformation, Censorship, And Information Warfare In The 21st Century

Disinformation Censorship And Information Warfare In The 21st Century

In recent years, prominent national security officials and media outlets have raised alarm about the unprecedented effects of foreign disinformation in democratic countries. In practice, what they mean is that democratic governments have fallen behind in their command of the methods of information warfare in the early 21st century. As outlined herein, while information warfare is a real and serious issue facing democratic governments in the 21st century, the war on disinformation, as currently practiced, has backfired spectacularly and done far more harm than good, as evidenced most clearly by the response to COVID-19.

Saudis Scrap $280 Million Jumbo Jet After Just 42 Hours Of Flight

According to Germany’s aero telegram, the Saudis are scrapping the $280 million jumbo jet contracted for the Saudi crown prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saudi after just 42 hours of flight because no bidders expressed interest in turning it into a cargo plane.

The Human Cost Of The Experimental Vaccination Program

The Human Cost Of The Experimental Vaccination Program

Most sane people believe that the burden of proving safety should lie on the party conducting a questionable action, rather than their victim. For example, if a criminal shot someone, the prosecution would not be required to prove that the victim’s sudden death after the gunshot wound was not just a spontaneous coincidence, a result of extreme stress from the situation, or due to a pre-existing medical condition.

The Science Of Nuclear Fusion Explained

The Science Of Nuclear Fusion Explained

Fusion technology has recently piqued the interest of governments as well as private corporations such as Chevron and Google. Here’s the science of nuclear fusion explained.

US Government Links Alzheimer’s To Racism

US Government Links Alzheimer’s To Racism

The administration of President Joe Biden now claims that racism is a contributing factor in the disproportionately high rates of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease among non-white Americans.