Hunter Biden’s Connection To Ukraine Biolabs

There were previous reports that exposed how these Ukrainian labs were handling “especially dangerous pathogens” through US government-funded initiatives in early March. But what has recently come to light is Hunter Biden’s connection to these Ukraine biolabs.

How Ukraine Crisis Accelerates The Great Reset

Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, has been dreaming of a “Great Reset” of the global system. He has argued that Covid-19 and the climate crisis showed that no country is an island and that more global coordination in every domain is required.

Why Did Vladimir Putin Invade Ukraine?

Nearly three weeks have passed since Russian President Vladimir Putin began his invasion of Ukraine, but it still is not clear why he did so and what he hopes to achieve. Western analysts, commentators and government officials have put forward more than a dozen theories to explain Putin’s actions, motives, and objectives.

40% Of Americans Would Rather Flee Than Defend The US; New Poll Finds

In World War II, Winston Churchill famously declared that “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” It appears that there may be even fewer to count on if a recent poll out this weekend is accurate. The Quinnipiac University poll asked Americans “what would you do if you were in the same position as Ukrainians are now, stay and fight or leave the country?”

How India Will Bail Out Vladimir Putin

Despite Western efforts to alienate Moscow via sanctions, India might bail out Russia by accepting an offer to purchase crude oil as well as other goods at a bargain.