EU Is Now Military Arm Of NATO

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says that EU has changed its stance toward Russia because of western countries and is now acting as the military arm of NATO.

How US Military Created COVID-19

The study, “MSH3 homology and potential recombination link to SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage Site,” (read below) published in Frontiers on February 21, 2022, identified that a tiny snippet of code in Covid is identical to part of a gene patented by Moderna three years before the pandemic. Scientists claim that there is a one-in-three-trillion chance that Moderna’s sequence randomly appeared through natural evolution.

Russia Claims US Tested Experimental Drugs On Ukrainian Soldiers

Although Ukraine wasn’t the first nation to be utilized for US military-backed pharmaceutical studies, it certainly is the most prominent in the current geopolitical scenario. Documents regarding the activities of such labs have been made public by Russia claiming that the US tested experimental drugs on Ukrainian soldiers.

Sars-Cov-2 Kills T-Cells, Just Like HIV Says Wuhan Lab Scientists

This article was not written by a bunch of random scientists, but instead was written by people from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, including the infamous batwoman Shi Zheng-Li. Just keep this in mind. It was originally submitted in Sep 2021 and revised in January 2022, so it does not involve Omicron.

Is Putin The New Coronavirus?

President Biden’s “maskless” State of the Union signifies the near-end of the COVID tyranny we have lived under for the past two years. Fortunately for Congress, the President, and the Federal Reserve, the Ukraine-Russia conflict is replacing COVID as a ready-made excuse for their failures and a justification for expanding their power.