What Is The Deep State

What is the Deep State

A new focus on the Deep State in undermining the national interests has become a serious thought for many citizens. Not known to many, the Deep State has is origin in the British Empire and how the Round Table infiltrated former British colonies (including India) through America. Last year, fuel was added to this fire […]

NATO’s Secret Plan To Win World War 3

NATO's Secret Plan to win World War 3

NATO’s Secret Plan to win World War 3 included a combination of traditional warfare and tactical nuclear weapons. Millions–maybe billions of people could have died. Thank god it never happened. Here is what World War III would have looked like… The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed in 1949 to oppose Soviet expansionism in […]

Wuhan-400 Coronavirus – 1981 Novel Predicts Virus Origin

Wuhan-400 1981 Novel predicts Coronavirus origin

In a bizarre coincidence, a 1981 fictional novel The Eyes of Darkness by Dean Koontz predicts a Coronavirus like outbreak and its origin. The book talks about how the virus called Wuhan-400, was developed in military labs around the Chinese city of Wuhan from where it got its name. The top secret information of the […]

Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It

Coronavirus Bioweapon

Last year a mysterious shipment was caught smuggling Coronavirus from Canada. It was traced to Chinese agents working at a Canadian lab. Subsequent investigation by GreatGameIndia linked the agents to Chinese Biological Warfare Program from where the virus is suspected to have leaked causing the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak. Note: BuzzFeed Reporter Who Attacked GreatGameIndia’s Coronavirus […]

Weaponizing Biotech – China’s War for Biological Dominance

China's War for Biological Dominance

Under Beijing’s civil-military fusion strategy, the PLA is sponsoring research on gene editing, human performance enhancement, and more in preparation for a New Domain of Warfare – a part of China’s War for Biological Dominance. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It (watch here Visualizing The Secret History Of Coronavirus) Watch the […]

Operation Northwoods – Flase Flag Attacks & Regime Change

Operation Northwoods False Flag

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against […]

Nita Ambani, The Met & Smuggling of Indian Antiques

Nita Ambani, The Met and Smuggling of Indian Antiques

The wife of Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani, also Asia’s richest businessman; Nita Ambani, has been elected to the board of The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met), New York for her commitment to preserve and promote India’s art and culture. The Met however, is known to be involved in smuggling of Indian antiques and has […]

Kurds & Kurdistan – A Geopolitical Perspective

Kurds & Kurdistan - A Geopolitical Perspective

Who are the Kurds? Why should the overthrow of the Syrian government be their objective? Are they on a quest for Kurdistan or are they just pawns in the game of geopolitical players? What are the implications of the Turkish Operation Peace Spring for India? Historical accounts of the Kurds and Kurdistan have been a […]

American Lawmakers Act Against India Over Kashmir

American Lawmakers act against India over Kashmir

After raising protest in a letter to President Trump, now American lawmakers have acted legally against India over the Kashmir issue urging for US intervention. Senate Letter on Kashmir On 12th September 2019, in a letter addressed to President Trump, Senators Chris Van Hollen, Todd Young, Ben Cardin and Lindsay Graham said with each passing […]

Motech Software – How Reliance Stashed Black Money In Swiss Banks

Motech Software How Reliance stashed Black Money in Swiss Banks

Motech Software – how Reliance stashed Black Money in Swiss Banks and later snapped all ties with the shell firm after money laundering probe was initiated. The biggest Indian account holder with nearly USD 500 million in Geneva branch, its website now hosts porn. Coincidentally the same Income Tax Commissioner’s office were the files related […]