The Pentagon Is Freaking Out About A Potential War With China

The Pentagon is expressing concern about a potential war with China, as numerous versions of the above war-game scenario have been enacted in recent years. The most recent enactment took place in April by the House Select Committee. The war began in the early morning hours with a massive bombardment — China’s version of “shock […]

India Rejects US Offer To Join NATO

India has rejected the US offer to join NATO, stating that it believes it is capable of countering any Chinese aggression on its own. India’s External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, on Friday clarified that India has no intention of joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), led by Western countries. Jaishankar stated that the military alliance is […]

Ukrainian Forces Targeted Civilians And Took Children During The ‘Battle For Bakhmut’

The testimonies of recently evacuated civilians from Bakhmut revealed that Ukrainian forces targeted civilians and took children during the ‘Battle for Bakhmut’. Since Russia began its military campaign in Ukraine in February 2022, Western media and the authorities in Kiev have bombarded the world with accusations of “war crimes,” including kidnapping children and targeting civilians.  But the testimonies of recently […]

US And UK Launch Plot To Drive Russia Out Of Nuclear Energy Market

US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the launch of a joint committee to develop a strategy for creating advanced nuclear reactors, which some claim is a plot to drive Russia out of the nuclear energy market. The US and the UK will launch a joint committee to develop a strategy […]

India Denies Zelensky A G20 Invitation

India’s External Affairs Minister, Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, has clarified that Ukraine President Zelensky has not been given a G20 invitation. India, which holds the rotating chair for the G20, does not plan to invite Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to the annual summit, slated to be held in New Delhi on September 9-10. The host country’s […]

Inside Look Into Russian Robotics

An inside look into Russian robotics will reveal a new ground-based unmanned system known as the Marker combat robot platform. This advanced system is capable of operating autonomously at distances of up to 10 km from its operator. The Ukrainian security crisis has shown the importance of unmanned systems in modern warfare. Sputnik sat down […]

Does Anyone Believe American Propaganda Anymore?

After the destruction of the Kakhovka dam and Nord Stream, no one believes American propaganda anymore. This is getting silly now. The Kakhovka dam just exploded in Ukraine, flooding a huge territory and causing another insane ecological disaster. Russia and Ukraine spent yesterday trading accusations, while the U.S. leaked it was “leaning towards Russia as the culprit of […]

What Really Happened To Kakhovka Dam

Some open-source intelligence analysts suggest that the Kakhovka Dam may have collapsed on its own due to ‘unprecedentedly high’ levels of water in the reservoir. On the morning of June 6, water began to flow uncontrollably down the Dnipro River after the Kakhovka dam in the Russian-occupied part of Ukraine’s Kherson region was destroyed. Kyiv […]

Trump Announces Plan To Investigate Big Pharma, Autism

Trump announces plan to investigate Big Pharma and autism to find what’s causing chronic illness in the United States. Former President Donald Trump has announced his plan to “address the sharp rise in chronic illnesses and health problems” across the United States, including the establishment of a Presidential Commission of independent minds to investigate what is causing […]