Documents Reveal Pentagon Plans To Use Ukraine Biolabs To Attack Russia

Documents Reveal Pentagon Plans To Use Ukraine Biolabs To Attack Russia

Allegations of Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in Ukraine have long been dismissed by Washington as Russian disinformation. But as more information comes to light including documents revealing Pentagons plan to use Ukraine biolabs to attack Russia, it becomes increasingly complicated to keep denying the charges.

What Happens If Russia Turns Off The Gas Taps To Europe

What Happens If Russia Turns Off The Gas Taps To Europe

Russia has set a March 31 ultimatum for “hostile” nations to start paying for natural gas imports in rubles. Countries that placed economic sanctions on the Russia and frozen its foreign currency reserves will be affected by the new currency-switch regulation. This is especially concerning for those EU countries that significantly depend on Russian energy imports.

Cathay Pacific Airways Makes World’s Longest Flight Avoiding Russia

Russia is being more isolated by the international world as a result of its military operation of Ukraine. Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd., for example, recently rerouted its New York-Hong Kong flight to avoid Russian airspace, making it the world’s longest commercial passenger flight by distance.