The Astonishing Implications Of Schedule F

The Astonishing Implications Of Schedule F

Two weeks before the 2020 general election, on October 21, 2020, Donald Trump issued an executive order (E.O. 13957) on “Creating Schedule F in the Excepted Service.”

A Short History Of Big Pharma Colonialism In India

A Short History Of Big Pharma Colonialism In India

It may surprise you that the pharmaceutical industry is not always motivated purely by a high purpose of discovering new drugs to protect humanity from diseases and viruses. This article will expose the dark side of the pharmaceutical industry—an industry that many believe to be among the most corrupt of all industries.

Secrets Of Permanent Blindness Revealed By Stem-Cell Research

Secrets Of Permanent Blindness Revealed By Stem Cell Research

The secrets of permanent blindness have finally been revealed by stem-cell research. This could lead to significant discoveries because not only can scientists develop more tailored drugs, but they could potentially use the stem-cell models to test hundreds of drugs in pre-clinical assays.

Why Is Twitter Hiring So Many FBI Agents?

Why Is Twitter Hiring So Many FBI Agents

Twitter has been on a recruitment drive of late, hiring a host of former feds and spies. Studying a number of employment and recruitment websites, MintPress has ascertained that the social media giant has, in recent years, recruited dozens of individuals from the national security state to work in the fields of security, trust, safety and content.

The Economic Meltdown Has Roots In Lockdown

The Economic Meltdown Has Roots In Lockdown

American’s capacity for denial is truly a thing to behold. For at least 27 months, it should have been obvious that we were headed for a grave crisis. Not only that: the crisis was already here in March 2020.