The Cure That Time Forgot

The Cure That Time Forgot

In the wake of strict lockdown being imposed by governments globally, it bears upon the common people, thinkers, researchers and scientists to question whether such methods are indeed correct and singularly helpful in combating the outbreak of COVID-19. While the World Health Organization and vested interests are busy pushing cartelized medicine and vaccines, what is […]

STUDY: COVID-19 Infections Subside In 70 Days Irrespective Of Lockdown

COVID-19 Infections Subside In 70 Days Irrespective Of Lockdown

Results of a shocking new Israeli study showed that COVID-19 infections subsided in 70 days irrespective of whether the country went into lockdown or remained open. A prominent Israeli mathematician, analyst, former general and Chairman of the Israeli Space Agency claims simple statistical analysis demonstrates that the spread of COVID-19 peaks after about 40 days […]

Whistleblower – How CDC Is Manipulating COVID-19 Death Toll

Whistleblower - How CDC Is Manipulating COVID-19 Death Toll

A Montana based physician has blown the whistle on how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is exaggerating the COVID-19 death toll by manipulating Coronavirus death certificates. Dr. Annie Bukacek, MD, is a longtime Montana physician with over 30 years of experience practicing medicine. Signing death certificates is a routine part of her […]

Coronavirus Cases Maybe 10 Times Higher Than Reported

Coronavirus Cases Maybe 10 Times Higher Than Reported

Observations from the Johns Hopkins University real-time tracking dashboard indicate that Coronavirus cases maybe 10 times higher than reported. In response to the ongoing public health emergency, Johns Hopkins University developed an interactive web-based dashboard hosted by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University, to visualize and track reported Coronavirus […]

How NSO Group Sold Its First Pegasus License


A legal dispute regarding brokerage fees sheds light on how NSO Group sold its first Pegasus license to a foreign country. American businessman Elliott Broidy, currently under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for possible violations of lobbying laws, was originally tapped as one of the architects of the deal despite admitting to illegal […]

China Secretly Shipping Nuclear Arms To Pakistan


On February 12, 2020, GreatGameIndia issued an alert regarding a suspicious shipment off the western coast of India. The ship belonged to a Chinese shipping company blacklisted by the Americans last year and was destined to Pakistan. Further investigation revealed the seized shipment carried launching gear for missiles and that China was secretly shipping nuclear […]

How American Eugenics Movement Inspired Hitler

How American Eugenics Movement Inspired Hitler

The Nazis’ extermination program was carried out in the name of eugenics – but they were by no means the only advocates of racial purification. In this extract from his extraordinary book, Edwin Black describes how American Eugenics Movement inspired Hitler. These deadly theories were prevalent among the high circles of the British Empire from […]

How Manoj Tiwari Deepfakes Were Used In Delhi Election

How Manoj Tiwari Deepfakes were used in Delhi Election

On February 7, a day ahead of the Legislative Assembly elections in Delhi, two videos of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President Manoj Tiwari criticising the incumbent Delhi government of Arvind Kejriwal went viral on WhatsApp. While one video had Tiwari speak in English, the other was him speaking in the Hindi dialect of Haryanvi. […]

Chinese Army’s Ties To U.S. Money

Chinese Army's Ties To U.S. Money

What have Russian mobsters, Chinese intelligence agencies, Colombian drug lords, and the notorious international terrorist Osama Bin Laden to do with the California Public Employees Retirement System or the California Department of Transportation? – Chinese Army’s ties to U.S. money. Note: This is the author’s text of an article that appeared in the June 2000 […]

Weaponizing Biotech – China’s War for Biological Dominance

China's War for Biological Dominance

Under Beijing’s civil-military fusion strategy, the PLA is sponsoring research on gene editing, human performance enhancement, and more in preparation for a New Domain of Warfare – a part of China’s War for Biological Dominance. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It (watch here Visualizing The Secret History Of Coronavirus) Watch the […]