Winston Churchill & The Indian Holocaust

Winston Churchill & The Indian Holocaust

A new study by Indian and American researchers confirm how Winston Churchill caused the Bengal Famine and starved over 3 million Indians to death. Glorified as the “Saviour of the World” in the west and dubbed the “Butcher of Bengal” by Indians, the streets of eastern Indian cities were lined with corpses as a direct […]

CTD Advisors – Rebuilding British Empire Of Modern Times With Shashi Tharoor

Rebuilding British Empire of modern times

Shashi Tharoor, a serving member of the Indian Parliament lately known for his anti-British position has ironically been recruited by the son of a Pakistani British spy in his firm CTD Advisors, heavily infested with former British intelligence chiefs advocating foreign intervention in Kashmir and with insider information from its highly-placed members aims to rebuild […]

Indian Biodiversity First, Foreign Treaties Later

Indian Biodiversity First, Foreign Treaties Later

India has a crucial decision to make. Should it conserve its biodiversity and germplasm for future generations or surrender its heritage to corporations and foreign treaties? Come November, India is about to enter key negotiations on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) at its eighth general body meeting in […]

Operation Timber Sycamore – The Shadow War In Syria

Operation Timber Sycamore

Operation Timber Sycamore is the codename of a covert operation officially authorized by Obama in June 2013 to train and equip the anti-Assad rebellion, but which actually started in October 2011, when the CIA was operating via Britain’s MI6 to avoid having to notify Congress that it was arming the rebels in Syria. Originally, the CIA and MI6 (the British foreign intelligence […]

From Andhra To Kashmir – Return Of East India Company

Return of East India Company

In the late 90s secret meetings took place in London where the blueprint for the ‘development’ of an entire Indian state was envisioned. Called Vision 2020, the scheme was the brainchild of an American consultancy firm born out of US military – McKinsey. It was supposed to be a role model and exported to other […]

The Secret Karachi Agreement

Secret Karachi Agreement

The Karachi Agreement was a secret document which decided the political contours and governance of the people of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), including Gilgit-Baltistan (GB). However according to exiled Kashmiri activists the agreement was forged. There are larger geopolitical implications to this information, the ramifications of which GreatGameIndia will discuss in later reports. Secret Karachi […]

Thousand Talents Plan – How China Stole American Technology

thousand talents plan - how china stole american technology

The Thousand Talents Plan or Thousand Talents Program was established in 2008 by the central government of China to recognize and recruit leading international experts in scientific research, innovation, and entrepreneurship – in other words to steal American technology. EXPLOSIVE: Canadian Scientist Frank Plummer Key to Coronavirus Investigation Assassinated Breaking: India launch investigation against China’s Wuhan Institute […]

Will Google Be Investigated For Treason In India?

Will Google Be Investigated For Treason In India?

American President Donald Trump has kicked off a storm stating that he will initiate an investigation looking to “treasonous activities” by American multinational technology company Google. With Google having played a role in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks of 2008, will the India government investigate Google’s suspicious role in India as well? Google committed to US […]

Why Zero So Confused Europeans

Why Zero so confused Europeans

Contrary to the belief that mathematics is universal, Indian arithmetic had a distinctive philosophy which is best understood in a historical perspective. Two plus two is not always four: why zero so confused Europeans. From the time of the Yajurveda, the Indian system of numeration utilised the place value system, the names of places being […]

The Kashmir Conflict: An Anglo-American Operation

The Kashmir Problem - An Anglo-American Operation

The Kashmir conflict, an Anglo-American operation against India provides the culminating illustration of the hostility between India and Pakistan and the determination to satisfy their imperialistic ambition to rule over the entire sub-continent once again by the use of modern military forces with generous defense support by the Anglo-American bloc under the trusteeship of the […]