House Creates Panel On ‘Weaponization Of The Federal Government’

House Creates Panel On Weaponization Of The Federal Government

The House of Representatives has passed a resolution to create a panel to investigate the alleged “weaponization of the government” by federal law enforcement agencies under the Biden Administration. The move, which passed on a straight party-line vote of 221-211, has been met with both support and criticism.

Pfizer Director Scott Gottlieb Exposed

Pfizer Director Scott Gottlieb Exposed

On August 27, 2021, Dr. Scott Gottlieb – a Pfizer director with over 550,000 Twitter followers – saw a tweet he didn’t like, a tweet that might hurt sales of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines.

How The FBI Hacked Twitter

How The FBI Hacked Twitter

Twitter has been accused of collaborating with the FBI to censor users and spy on those who posed a threat to the Biden campaign. Court documents show that the social media company worked with the DOJ to intercept the communications of certain users and provided the FBI with access to personal data and behavior of its users. This is how the FBI hacked twitter.

The Twitter Files Explained (Wiki)

The Twitter Files Explained Wiki

It’s January 4th, 2023, which means Twitter Files stories have been coming out for over a month. Because these are weedsy tales, and may be hard to follow if you haven’t from the beginning, I’ve written up capsule summaries of each of the threads by all of the Twitter Files reporters, and added links to the threads and accounts of each. At the end, in response to some readers (especially foreign ones) who’ve found some of the alphabet-soup government agency names confusing, I’ve included a brief glossary of terms to help as well.

Germany Unleash Spike Protein Bombshell

Germany Unleash Spike Protein Bombshell

The mRNA spike protein was not the only item discovered in autopsies of those who died shortly after receiving the jab. When combined with insurance records indicating that the spike in mortality had a 1 in 390,632,286,180 chance of occurring spontaneously, this is a dagger through Pfizer’s heart. Germany has unleashed the spike protein bombshell.