‘Nuclear Weapons For Everyone’ Who Joins Belarus And Russia, Putin Ally Promises

Putin ally, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, promises “nuclear weapons for everyone” who joins Belarus and Russia. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, promised nuclear weapons to any nation that joined Russia and Belarus. The comment came just days after the Belarusian leader confirmed the transfer of Russian nuclear weapons to his country. Putin […]

Pakistan Welcomes First Direct Cargo Ship From Russia

Pakistan’s Federal Minister of Energy, Khurram Dastagir, Minister for Maritime Affairs, Faisal Subzwari, and Consul General of Russia, H. E. Andrey Viktorovich Fedorov, welcomed the first direct cargo ship from Russia. On May 25, a landmark event took place in Pakistan’s southern port city as the Russian cargo vessel arrived at Karachi International Container Terminal (KICT) marking […]

Germany’s Recession Is EU’s First Falling Domino

According to experts, Germany’s recession is seen as the first falling domino within the EU, given that Germany has long been the flagship and a powerhouse of Europe. Germany entered a technical recession in the first quarter of 2023, according to recent figures from the Federal Statistical Office. What’s behind the new trend and what […]

Eurasian Heartland Rises To Challenge The West

The China-Central Asia summit last week solidified the expansion of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) from Western China in Xinjiang to its western neighbors, extending all the way to Iran, Turkey, and Eastern Europe. This development showcases the rise of the Eurasian Heartland, posing a challenge to the West. President Xi Jinping telling President […]

Killer Whales Have Learned How To Sink Yachts Off Gibraltar

Killer whales have allegedly been taught how to sink yachts off Gibraltar by a female orca named White Gladis, who is believed to be seeking revenge after experiencing trauma from a boat collision or entanglement in illegal fishing nets. A vengeful killer whale called Gladis is teaching gangs of orcas to attack yachts around Gibraltar, and has […]

John Kerry Wants Farmers To Stop Farming

John Kerry has suggested reducing emissions through reductions in fertiliser usage, land use, and cows, as well as by feeding cows bugs to reduce fertiliser emissions, which is basically the same as stopping farmers from farming. Biden’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, former Senator John Kerry, made a stunning revelation earlier this month when he […]

The Inside Story Of Russia-Iran-India Connectivity

Russia, Iran, and India signed a formal INSTC (International North-South Transport Corridor) deal in May 2022, aimed at enhancing connectivity between the three countries. Make no mistake about what the G7’s Hiroshima Communique is all about. The setting: a city in neo-colony Japan nuclear-bombed 78 years ago by the United States, for which it made no excuses. […]

US Biological Weapons Program In Ukraine Exposed

US Biological Weapons Program In Ukraine Exposed

The task force of the Russian Ministry of Defence together with officers of the Federal Security Service and Rosselkhoznadzor have confirmed the collection and certification of avian influenza virus strains with a high potential for epidemic spread and the ability to cross the species barrier, particularly the H5N8 strain, whose lethality in human transmission can […]

US ‘Intentionally Released Covid Virus In Wuhan’

US Intentionally Released Covid Virus In Wuhan EU Summit Told

The Covid-19 coronavirus was “intentionally released” by the United States in Wuhan, China, with the target to trigger a global pandemic to raise public acceptance of vaccines, a US businessman specializing in patent auditing said. David Martin, the founding chairman of M Cam asset management company, said at an International Covid Summit organized by the […]