Here Is How Government Can Track Your Cryptocurrency Transactions

Here Is How Government Can Track Your Cryptocurrency Transactions

Leaked files reviewed by MintPress expose how intelligence services the world over can track cryptocurrency transactions to their source and therefore identify users by monitoring the movements of smartphone and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, such as Amazon Echo. The contents comprehensively detonate the myth of crypto anonymity, and have grave implications for individuals and states seeking to shield their financial activity from the prying eyes of hostile governments and authorities.

Western Nations Speed Up Ukraine Arms Transfers To Prepare For Winter Warfare

Western Nations Speed Up Ukraine Arms Transfers To Prepare For Winter Warfare

The United States and its NATO allies are accelerating transfers of arms, warm clothing and anti-drone technology to Ukraine in preparation for months of bitter combat through the winter. Washington believes shoring up frontline forces before mud and ice set in will help Kiev to hold ground over the coming season. Speaking on condition of […]