The Neglected Human

The Neglected Human

The human being, it is assumed, is the most intelligent being on earth. There are other intelligent species, all have a good measure of intelligence, but none have the features that enable such diverse qualities and abilities as the human being.

Health Sector: Where The Consumer Is A Lab Rat And A Slave

Health Sector Where The Consumer Is A Lab Rat And A Slave

The most unfortunate section of the modern society has been given a very pertinent name: Patient. For centuries this section has been very patiently bearing a level of abominable torture that would have broken the backs of any other slave class in history.

Spike Protein Is The Swiss Army Knife Of Death

On his DarkHorse podcast on June 21, 2021, evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein said that Spike Protein is the Swiss Army Knife of Death, while sitting down with mRNA pioneer Dr. Robert Malone and Silicon Valley inventor turned COVID investigator Steve Kirsch.

Who Is Amritpal Singh And Why Is Punjab Police Chasing Him?

The interviews Amritpal Singh gave as part of his speeches supporting demands for Khalistan, an independent state for Sikhs, and his recent storming of a police station in Punjab in February explain why the Punjab Police are chasing him.

UK Changed Covid Records To Hide The Truth

UK Changed Covid Records To Hide The Truth

By late 2021 it was already clear in the UK that the covid vaccines did not stop infection or transmission. And there were also already plenty of concerning safety signals. So, even though the “vaccine pass” was then required in the UK to participate in daily life, ‘vaccine hesitancy’ was on the increase.