With Trump Gone Joe Biden Revives Ties With WHO By Sending $200 Million

Last year the then US President Donald Trump decided to halt the funding of the WHO (World Health Organization) accusing the agency of protecting China against the global wrath. Now with Trump gone, Joe Biden has revived ties with the WHO by paying $200 million to the global agency.

US Air Force Helicopter Assigned Trump’s Security Shot From Ground Over Virginia

US Air Force Helicopter Assigned Trump's Support Detail Shot From Ground Over Virginia

A US Air Force helicopter used to transport VIPs and dignitaries around the D.C. area and also assigned President Donald Trump’s security has been shot at from the ground over Virginia. FBI is investigating the case. The incident occurred just a day before an assassination attempt on Trump was foiled by Secret Service. An Air […]

Assassination Attempt On US President Donald Trump Foiled By Secret Service

Assassination attempt on Donald Trump Foiled by Secret Service

An assassination attempt on the American President Donald Trump has been foiled by the Secret Service. The President informed that someone was shot outside the White House by Secret Service and taken to a hospital. UPDATE: Just a day before the assassination attempt a US Air Force helicopter used to transport VIPs and dignitaries around […]

CONFIDENTIAL DOCS: George Soros Funding BLM Style Racial Movements To Topple Donald Trump

George Soros Funding BLM Style Racial Movements To Topple Donald Trump

Open Society Foundations, an organization established by George Soros is funding $220 million to BLM (Black Lives Matter) style groups focused on ‘Racial Justice’. The public records disclosed that Soros will double his 2016 election’s expenditures to defeat Donald Trump’s re-election campaign. The Open Society Foundations is funding emerging powerful groups like Black Voters Matter, […]

Donald Trump, Russian Mafia & US Intelligence Secrets

Donald Trump, will soon be entitled to regular briefings on some of the United States’ most sensitive intelligence secrets. Once Trump, becomes the Republican nominee for the White House in July, he’ll be entitled to updates based on the President’s Daily Brief, a compilation of top-level classified intelligence about global events. It’s a prospect giving […]

CIA’s Secret Plot To Takeover Social Media

CIA's Secret Plot To Takeover Social Media 1

A new “Twitter Files” report reveals the CIA’s secret plot to take over social media, exposing efforts by intelligence community members to control Twitter’s content management system and influence information sharing under the guise of national security. While the CIA is strictly prohibited from conducting covert operations or spying on American citizens while on US […]

DHS Admits Border Has Been Open To Criminals And Terrorists

DHS Admits Border Has Been Open To Criminals And Terrorists 1

DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas admits that its southern border policy allowed criminals and terrorists to enter, as background checks were delayed until asylum hearings. A new regulation aims to expedite deportations to address this security risk. You can read the original article here. Surprisingly, the Biden administration’s experiment with a somewhat open southern border has […]

It’s High Time To Admit Side Effects Of COVID-19 Vaccines Says Ex-CDC Director

It’s High Time To Admit Side Effects Of COVID-19 Vaccines Says Ex-CDC Director 1

In an interview with Chris Cuomo on NewsNation, ex-CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield said it’s high time to admit the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines. You can read the original article here. The former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr. Robert Redfield, stated on Thursday that it’s time to acknowledge […]

Pictures Of Gaza Pier Constructed With American Taxpayers’ $350 Million

Pictures Of Gaza Pier Constructed With American Taxpayers' $350 Million 1

The US Central Command has announced that it will be providing aid in the form of the Gaza Pier constructed with American taxpayers’ $350 million, and its pictures are now available. The Biden administration and the Pentagon both exude pride. However, the American taxpayer?… US Central Command declared on Friday that “today we began delivery […]