भारत में WHO की COVID-19 निगरानी परियोजना

भारत में WHO की COVID-19 निगरानी परियोजना

WHO ने स्वास्थ्य और परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय के साथ मिलकर भारत में COVID-19 निगरानी परियोजना की शुरुआत की है। पूर्ण पैमाने पर निगरानी के माध्यम से एकत्र किए गए डेटा का उपयोग भारत में भविष्य की रणनीति बनाने के लिए किया जाएगा। संयोगवश, WHO की राष्ट्रीय सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य निगरानी परियोजना उसी दिन शुरू की गई […]

WHO Initiates COVID-19 Surveillance Project In India

WHO Initiates COVID-19 Surveillance Project In India

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has initiated a COVID-19 Surveillance Project in India in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The data gathered through full-scale surveillance will be used to make future Indian strategies for containment in India. Coincidentally, WHO’s National Public Health Surveillance Project is launched on the very same day […]

Bob Dylan Revives JFK Murder Mystery With New Single

Bob Dylan Revives JFK Murder Mystery With New Single

Bob Dylan has come out of a decade of isolation to revive John F. Kennedy’s murder mystery with a smashing new single. Titled “Murder Most Foul”, the song has already broken a record earning him his first-ever number one on the US Billboard Chart. With heavy references to the many controversies surrounding JFK assassination and […]

Venezuela To Sue US In International Criminal Court

Venezuela to sue US in International Criminal Court

President Nicolas Maduro has announced that Venezuela will sue US in International Criminal Court (ICC) for severe damage caused by the economic sanctions. Meanwhile, an India-Russia partnership is helping Venezuela bypass the US imposed sanctions. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has announced that his government will file a lawsuit against the United States in the International […]

Moderna Coronavirus Vaccine Ready For Human Testing, Stocks Spike 22%

Moderna Coronavirus Vaccine ready for human testing

Moderna surged as much as 22% after the biotech company shipped the first coronavirus vaccine for human testing. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It (watch here Visualizing The Secret History Of Coronavirus) Watch the exclusive interview of Bioweapons Expert Dr. Francis Boyle on Coronavirus Biological Warfare blocked by the Deep State The firm submitted […]

Washington Pledges $1 Billion For Coronavirus Vaccine

Washington pledges $1 billion for coronavirus vaccine

U.S. President Donald Trump will seek $2.5 billion from Congress to fight the coronavirus epidemic and U.S. and South Korean militaries are considering scaling back joint training as the virus spreads in Europe and the Middle East. Countries around the world are stepping up efforts to prevent a pandemic of the flu-like virus that originated […]

What Is The Deep State

What is the Deep State

A new focus on the Deep State in undermining the national interests has become a serious thought for many citizens. Not known to many, the Deep State has is origin in the British Empire and how the Round Table infiltrated former British colonies (including India) through America. Last year, fuel was added to this fire […]

How NSO Group Sold Its First Pegasus License


A legal dispute regarding brokerage fees sheds light on how NSO Group sold its first Pegasus license to a foreign country. American businessman Elliott Broidy, currently under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for possible violations of lobbying laws, was originally tapped as one of the architects of the deal despite admitting to illegal […]

Gerasimov Doctrine – Behind Russia’s Vision Of Total Warfare

Gerasimov Doctrine

Everywhere, you’ll find scholars, pundits, and policymakers talking about the threat the “Gerasimov doctrine” — named after Russia’s chief of the general staff — poses to the West. It’s a new way of war, “an expanded theory of modern warfare,” or even “a vision of total warfare.” There’s one small problem. It doesn’t exist. And the longer we […]

China Secretly Shipping Nuclear Arms To Pakistan


On February 12, 2020, GreatGameIndia issued an alert regarding a suspicious shipment off the western coast of India. The ship belonged to a Chinese shipping company blacklisted by the Americans last year and was destined to Pakistan. Further investigation revealed the seized shipment carried launching gear for missiles and that China was secretly shipping nuclear […]