India Loses $3 Billion Farzad-B Gas Field Deal With Iran

India has lost its $3-billion bet on Iran regarding the giant Farzad-B gas field in Farsi block. The Indian state run oil companies discovered this asset back in 2008 and since then the negotiations were being carried out by top leadership of both the countries.

How Russian Intelligence Foiled CIA Military Coup & Assassination Of The President In Belarus

The Russian and Belarusian intelligence  have officially revealed how they foiled CIA backed color revolution and an attempted military coup to topple the Belarusian government as well as the assassination of the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko himself. It was Lukashenko who last year exposed how the World Bank forced sovereign governments to impose strict lockdowns for coronavirus aid.

When CIA Director Dan Coats Was Shocked That India Could Launch 104 Satellites On A Single Rocket

During US Senate Select Intelligence Committee confirmation hearing in March 2017, DNI (Director of National Intelligence) and CIA Director pick Dan Coats were shocked to learn that India could launch more than a hundred satellites into space on a single rocket. The director then proposes to develop defensive and offensive capabilities to counter India’s technological edge in space.

How BECA Agreement Gives Control Of India’s Cruise Missile Command Systems To Pentagon

How BECA Agreement Gives Control Of India's Cruise Missile Command Systems To Pentagon

After years of delays, India has finally signed the fourth and the final of the foundational accords of the US – the (BECA) Basic Exchange & Cooperation Agreement on geo-spatial cooperation considered an important milestone in the defense and strategic relations between the two countries. Defense experts however have warned that the BECA Agreement will […]