Those Who Chose Shaming Over Science

From the earliest days of the pandemic, something deep inside me—in my soul, if you will—recoiled from the political and public response to the virus. Nothing about it felt right or strong or true. This was not just an epidemiological crisis, but a societal one, so why were we listening exclusively to some select epidemiologists? Where were the mental health experts? The child development specialists? The historians? The economists? And why were our political leaders encouraging fear rather than calm?

The Vaccinated Are Dying In Britain

Hospitalizations and deaths remain stubbornly high and overwhelmingly occur in vaccinated people. In February, 90 percent of the 1,000 Britons who died each week of Covid were vaccinated.

Ivermectin And The Price Of Life

When the world experienced an average of nearly 15,000 COVID deaths per day, Dr. Andrew Hill decided on the price of a human life. Dr. Hill made that calculation during a conversation with Dr. Tess Lawrie, in January of 2021, during the peak of the Winter Surge.

Is Russia Targeting Secret US Bioweapons Labs In Ukraine?

As Russia begins to assault military sites in Ukraine, there is suspicion that the US Biolabs, which were built in Ukraine for the purpose of research and defense, would be targeted as well. Under the “Biological Threat Reduction Program,” the US has six such facilities in Ukraine. This has led to several people wondering if Russia is actually targeting the secret US bioweapons labs in Ukraine.

The Year The World Went Mad: A Scientific Memoir From the Pandemic

Mark Woolhouse is professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, SAGE adviser, and now author of ‘The Year the World Went Mad’, a personal, insider’s view of how the Covid pandemic played out. The book is a very useful review of what happened, even for those who followed events closely. The story is one of constant lurches from complacency to panic, optimism to pessimism, and back again. 

How Chinese Holistic Medicine Treat You Rather Than The Symptoms Hurting You

Holistic medical practitioners exist in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all share a dedication to curing the person rather than the condition. Traditional herbalists and bodyworkers to naturopathic physicians and holistic health doctors all have different scopes of practise. The health of the body and its ability to resist infectious disease are equally as essential as the germ itself in Chinese holistic medicine which treats you rather than the symptoms that are hurting you.