Visualizing The Secret History Of Coronavirus Bioweapon

Infographic Secret History of Coronavirus

The below visualization The Secret History of Coronavirus Bioweapon is based on GreatGameIndia‘s exclusive report Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It Watch the exclusive interview of Bioweapons Expert Dr. Francis Boyle on Coronavirus Biological Warfare blocked by the Deep State The Saudi SARS Sample On June 13, 2012 a 60-year-old Saudi man […]

Biotechs Working On Coronavirus Vaccine

Biotechs working on Coronavirus Vaccine

The deadly coronavirus worsened quickly this month, roiling the financial markets as investors fled risk assets amid concerns the outbreak would disrupt the global economy. Meanwhile, a number of biotech companies have ramped up vaccine or drug programs to battle the disease, causing investors to bid up their shares amid the market rout. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – […]

Study Shows CT Scan Best Diagnosis For Coronavirus

CT Scan Best Diagnosis For Coronavirus

In a study of more than 1,000 patients published in the journal Radiology, chest CT outperformed lab testing in the diagnosis of 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The researchers concluded that CT should be used as the primary screening tool for COVID-19. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It (watch here Visualizing […]

Cecil Rhodes – Secret Society For Anglo-Saxon British Empire


“Why should we not form a Secret Society with but one object, the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole world under British Rule, for the recovery of the United States, for making the Anglo Saxon race but one Empire? What a dream, but yet it is probable, it is possible.” […]

Stolen Tirumankai Alvar Idol Found In British Museum

Stolen Tirumankai Alvar Idol found in British Museum

The idol of Tirumankai Alvar stolen from a temple in Tamil Nadu has been found in a British Museum. The idol was bought by the museum from the infamous auction house Sotheby’s involved in the smuggling and selling of world heritage including India. The Indian government has asked the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford to return […]

COVID19 Files – Scientific Investigation On Mysterious Origin Of Coronavirus


As Wuhan’s Coronavirus poses an increasing global threat, more and more experts from various countries have also cast more attention to the source of the new crown virus (COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2). In this scientific investigation on the mysterious origin of Coronavirus we explore the sources of New Coronavirus from five major areas, including epidemiological investigation, […]

COSCO Shipping – A Front Of Chinese Intelligence

COSCO Shipping - A Front For Chinese Intelligence

Washington policy-makers consider China Ocean Shipping Co. (COSCO) a threat to market capitalism and national security. Its rates are restricted, its trade in American ports monitored. The company has been embroiled in national controversies ranging from a crash in New Orleans to gun smuggling in San Francisco. A task force of the U.S. House of […]

BOMBSHELL REPORT: How Coronavirus Leaked From Wuhan Laboratory

How Coronavirus leaked from Wuhan laboratory

Chinese scientists believe the deadly coronavirus may have started life in a research facility just 300 yards from the Wuhan fish market. Here’s how Coronavirus leaked from Wuhan laboratory. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It (watch here Visualizing The Secret History Of Coronavirus) Watch the exclusive interview of Bioweapons Expert Dr. Francis Boyle […]

Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It

Coronavirus Bioweapon

Last year a mysterious shipment was caught smuggling Coronavirus from Canada. It was traced to Chinese agents working at a Canadian lab. Subsequent investigation by GreatGameIndia linked the agents to Chinese Biological Warfare Program from where the virus is suspected to have leaked causing the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak. Note: BuzzFeed Reporter Who Attacked GreatGameIndia’s Coronavirus […]

Weaponizing Biotech – China’s War for Biological Dominance

China's War for Biological Dominance

Under Beijing’s civil-military fusion strategy, the PLA is sponsoring research on gene editing, human performance enhancement, and more in preparation for a New Domain of Warfare – a part of China’s War for Biological Dominance. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It (watch here Visualizing The Secret History Of Coronavirus) Watch the […]