Ron Paul Urges Separation Of Tech & State

Ron Paul Urges Separation Of Tech & State

Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) recently got in touch with his inner mobster and threatened Elon Musk — the new owner of Twitter and the CEO of electric car company Tesla and space ventures company SpaceX. He told Musk, “Fix your companies” or “Congress will.” As part of this threat, Markey referred to an ongoing National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) investigation into Tesla’s autopilot driving system and Twitter’s 2011 consent decree with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Fauci’s 7-Hour Deposition: What We Know So far

Fauci’s 7-Hour Deposition What We Know So far

The transcript is not yet available and no reporters were allowed. But from the Attorneys General who brought the suit, the plaintiffs in the case and their attorney, and other parties to the lawsuit against the Biden administration, we have some information about the deposition provided by Anthony “I am the Science” Fauci. He has been the face of the pandemic response and stands accused of colluding with Big Tech to suppress dissent in violation of the First Amendment.

The U.S. Shale Boom Is Officially Over

The US Shale Boom Is Officially Over

The new shareholder-focused approach of shale companies, supply chain restrictions, and inflation have all combined to change how the sector functions. The US shale boom is officially over.

The Vaccinated Now Account For A Majority Of COVID Deaths

The Vaccinated Now Account For A Majority Of COVID Deaths

The latest data shows that 58% of COVID-19 deaths in August 2022 were from people who were vaccinated or boosted. Based on past figures and the current trends, we can reasonably estimate that the number of vaccinated/boosted COVID-19 deaths will only rise. (In September 2021, the vaccinated accounted for 23% of COVID-19 deaths; in January/February 2022, the vaccinated were 42%.)

Half Of Global Diabetes Drug Are Sold By US

According to data collected by Statista, half of the global supply of diabetes drugs is sold by the US, but 1.3 million people with diabetes are forced to skip, delay, or minimise their insulin intake.

Putin’s ‘Winter War’ On Ukraine

Putin’s Winter War On Ukraine

In the final days of this lame-duck Congress, before control of the House passes to Republicans in January, Democrats are expected to approve Joe Biden’s request for another $38 billion for the Kyiv regime, its army and its war. Passage of this legislation would virtually guarantee that the U.S. continues to finance this war and extend the fighting until spring.