The surprising health benefits of gambling

Gambling and online casinos have been on a constant rise in the entertainment industry in Poland for a long time now. It has also been considered bad and termed addicting and even sinful in several contexts. But it is not all true. If you gamble with care and attention, gambling can prove to be beneficial […]

How Do Scientists Bring Hydrogen Fuel Cells From Laboratory To Public Life?

Owing to their environment-friendly attributes and high efficiency in the electricity generation, Fuel cells are gaining popularity for Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) production, such as forklifts, automobiles, airplanes and buses. However, one of the challenges that the industry is facing regarding the mass-production and large-scale application of FCVs is the high cost involved in producing fuel cell catalysts.

World’s Oldest Rubies Are Linked To Ancient Life

At the University of Waterloo, researchers have discovered extremely ancient carbon residue in the world’s oldest ruby, some 2.5 billion-year-old. The study concluded that some of the world’s oldest rubies are linked to ancient life.

Illegal GMO Rice From India Withdrawn In EU

500 tonnes of illegal genetically modified rice from India were withdrawn by the EU after it were discovered in a consignment that India exported to the European Union countries in June 2021.