IRNSS – India’s Strategic Guardian Of The Sky

On 11 May 1998, India surprised the world with its Operation Shakti (Pokhran-II) nuclear test, which was completely hidden from US spy satellites. This was a feat as the US spy satellites are capable of taking even a snap of wristwatch of Indian soldiers. When India felt the importance of secrecy and to avoid being detected […]

Why India Remains The World’s Largest Arms Importer?

India continues to remain the world’s largest arms importer, accounting for 14% of the global imports in the 2011-2015 timeframe. The latest data on international arms transfers released by a global think-tank, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), also shows India’s arms imports remain three times greater than those of China and Pakistan. Its biggest […]

How Bomb Making Materials From India Reach ISIS – GreatGameIndia Exclusive

India is the Second Largest Source of Components Used by the Islamic State to Make Explosives. IED components are commercial goods that are not subject to government export licences. In an exclusive interview by Shelley Kasli, Marcus Wilson, Managing Director of London based organisation Conflict Armament Research reveals to GreatGameIndia how in a 20-month investigation […]

US Israel Spy War For Iran Deal & Lessons For India

During the same time of the Edward Snowden revelations of the NSA spying dragnet; behind the scenes a secret intelligence war was being waged between the spies of US and Israel. US was pursuing Iran deal at the time and the White House officials believed the intercepted information could be valuable to counter Mr. Netanyahu’s […]

Mystery Over Death Of Putin’s Ex-Advisor & Russia Today Creator Mikhail Lesin

Western media reports he was likely murdered for being an FBI informant. There are even separate allegations that Lesin may still be alive, with his demise faked by the US authorities. Mikhail Lesin, 57, was announced last weekend to have been found dead in the US capital. Lesin was found dead at 11:30 am on […]

MNCs Operated Destruction Of India

Two-and-a-half years after the completion of a new $17 million terminal building, the airport in Jaisalmer, a small and remote desert city in Rajasthan, stands empty. As reported not a single passenger has passed through the gates of an airport big enough to handle more than 300,000 travellers a year, with parking bays for three […]

What Is The History of India And Indians?

History of India

What is the actual history of India and Indians? Are we really superstitious in our traditions?  Have our customs, habits, traditions stemmed from the ignorance of barbarians?  Are our ideals, values, thoughts, ideas retrograde? Is the faith and convictions of our ancestors in the upright moral and ethical culture noteworthy of any consideration? After thousands […]

CIA’s Secret Plot To Takeover Social Media

CIA's Secret Plot To Takeover Social Media 1

A new “Twitter Files” report reveals the CIA’s secret plot to take over social media, exposing efforts by intelligence community members to control Twitter’s content management system and influence information sharing under the guise of national security. While the CIA is strictly prohibited from conducting covert operations or spying on American citizens while on US […]

China Unveils Robot Dogs With Mounted Machine Guns

China Unveils Robot Dogs With Mounted Machine Guns 1

In preparation for a 15-day exercise with Chinese and Cambodian troops named Golden Dragon, China unveiled robot dogs mounted with machine guns. China tested out robot dogs, which are military vehicles mounted with machine guns on their backs. In preparation for a 15-day exercise with Chinese and Cambodian troops named Golden Dragon, the machine gun […]

Will Fico’s Attempted Assassination Influence Next Month’s Elections?

Will Fico’s Attempted Assassination Influence Next Month’s Elections? 1

The Eurocrats are using the attempted assassination of Slovak Prime Minister Fico to shift focus from vague Russian meddling claims to influencing voter perceptions, aiming to counter conservative gains in the upcoming European parliamentary elections. Instead of speaking vaguely about alleged Russian meddling, the Eurocrats are now honing their information warfare narrative to muddle the […]