Scientists Find Evidence Of Toxic Chemicals In Your Face Masks

Scientists have found toxic chemicals in preliminary analysis of face masks. These toxic substances found on masks also involve carcinogens, allergens and controlled substances. Masks are used by general public these days mandated by governments in order to prevent Covid-19 infection. However, experts are concerned that toxic chemicals in face masks can cause unintended health issues.

Canadian Parliament Erupt Over Cover Up Of Chinese Spies Stealing Coronavirus From Winnipeg Lab To Wuhan

Recently, the Canadian parliament erupted over a heated debate regarding the cover-up of Chinese spies stealing coronavirus from the Winnipeg based BSL-4 lab to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The Chinese espionage story was first reported by GreatGameIndia in Jan, 2020, for which we are being actively targeted by the NATO’s war propaganda arm – the Atlantic Council. The president of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has been given until the end of the week to explain why two Canadian government scientists were let go 18 months after being escorted from Canada’s only Level 4 laboratory.

Vaccine Wars – Pharma Lobby Wants To Punish Countries Pushing For Low Cost Vaccines

The drug lobby asks US President Joe Biden to punish countries including India, South Africa, Chile, Colombia, Hungary and others for seeking increasing production of Covid-19 vaccines without express consent from big pharma companies. The drug lobby is fighting for tight control over vaccine production and seeking punishment for countries pushing for low-cost vaccines.

Budget Planning for Business Students

Business students are often put through various environments simulating real business worlds. Their knowledge and skills are tested in real-life circumstances. Of course, most students already expect this as part of their college academics, which makes the whole experience way better. In this article, we will focus on one of the vital aspects of any […]