Covid Exposed The Medical-Pharmaceutical-Government Complex

Covid Exposed The Medical Pharmaceutical Government Complex

United States medical history bears out Ayres’s paradox. The biggest increases in US life expectancy occurred early in the Twentieth Century, when people had increasing access to calories and protein, better water and sanitation. Lives lengthened sharply decades before vaccines, antibiotics or nearly any drugs were available, and a century before hospitals merged into corporate Systems.

The Seven Pillars Of Bitcoin

The Seven Pillars Of Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a monetary revolution that will change the world of the future. Bitcoin will not only change the world of the future forever, but it will also change it for the better. The Bitcoin system will enable the construction of a fairer and simply better world for everyone.

The Covid Lockdown Is An Act Of Economic Warfare Against Humanity

The Covid Lockdown Is An Act Of Economic Warfare Against Humanity

The growing global debt crisis, the destabilization of national governments, the dangers to democracy are all addressed in Prof. Michel Chossudovsky book. Another prevalent theme of the book is that the Covid lockdown is an act of economic warfare against humanity.

Global-Scale COVID-19 Fraud Is Designed To Control People: Former Pfizer VP

Global-Scale COVID-19 Fraud Is Designed To Control People Former Pfizer VP

According to Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former vice president and chief scientific officer for allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, lockdowns, mask requirements, and vaccination requirements are all steps taken to keep individuals under control and advance toward the ultimate goal of digital ID and digital currency. The global-scale COVID-19 fraud is designed to control people, says the former Pfizer VP.

Will The Global South Break Free From Dollarized Debt?

Will The Global South Break Free From Dollarized Debt

With The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism, Michael Hudson, one of the world’s leading independent economists, has given us arguably the ultimate handbook on where we’re at, who’s in charge, and whether we can bypass them.