The Doctor Who Can Rebuild Trust: Joseph Ladapo

The Doctor Who Can Rebuild Trust Joseph Ladapo

If you are like me, you are exhausted of the lies. Every day seems to bring new revelations about how our lives came to be upended. The connections are becoming clearer between the pandemic response and the growing economic crisis, the ballooning debt, the growth of the surveillance state, the corruption and scams, chilling absence of integrity in public life, and, with the failure of FTX, the way in which an outright financial scam was integral to the calamity.

Fedcoin: It Starts With A Trial Run

Fedcoin It Starts With A Trial Run

A cashless society would be the nail in the coffin for liberty and freedom, offering centralization, the likes of which Marx could only dream. The existence of a government backdoor or spyware becomes a real possibility, and given the State’s track record, a real likelihood. Then, of course, the ability to track, freeze, and even set expiry dates on money, will be marketed as “features” to protect the public.

Sam Bankman-Fried And The Pandemic Industrial Complex

Sam Bankman-Fried And The Pandemic Industrial Complex

The collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried and his fraudulent cryptocurrency empire at FTX is news at its most entertaining. Who doesn’t love the story of a bigshot billionaire revealed to be an outright fraud? It’s black-and-white. FTX owes billions in debt and doesn’t actually own a dime of the assets it claimed. Game over.

They Will Lock You Down Again

They Will Lock You Down Again

The lords of lockdown barely escaped their worst possible fate, namely that the topic would become the national and international source of scandal that it should be. And let’s add the vaccine mandates here too: even if such had been morally justified, which they were not, there is absolutely no practical reason for them at all.

Dubai’s Metaverse Plan Targets 40,000 Virtual Jobs In Five Years

Dubai’s Metaverse Plan Targets 40,000 Virtual Jobs In Five Years

Dubai’s metaverse plan targets 40,000 virtual jobs in five years. The government wants to create infrastructure and rules to hasten the adoption of these technologies as well as establish international standards for creating safe and secure platforms for users.

List Of Richest People In The World In 2022

The world’s top ten wealthiest individuals now own $1.3 trillion in assets. The list described below shows who the richest people in the world are in the year 2022 and how much they have grown.