Beaming Microwave Energy From Space Based Solar Power System

Beaming Microwave Energy To Earth From A Solar Power Plant In Space

Beaming microwave energy to Earth from a solar power plant in Space could be a reality soon with space based solar power system. Solar power plants are large structures in space that convert solar energy, captured as solar irradiation, into a form of energy that is transmitted wirelessly to any remote receiver station. Since at […]

FBI SPY: Israeli Mossad Spies Need To Be Fu**ing Kicked Out Of USA

FBI SPY Israeli Mossad Spies Need To Be Fucking Kicked Out Of USA

According to a secret transcript that was just declassified, one of the spies the FBI deployed against George Papadopoulos said that Israelis and U.S. Jews are “all f—ing spies,” referred to them as “f—ing c—suckers,” and said they should all be executed. The declassified transcript published on Tuesday revealed a “confidential human source” (CHS) from […]

Vizag Gas Leak – Styrene Is A Poisonous Chemical Warfare Agent

Vizag Gas Leak - Styrene Is A Poisonous Chemical Warfare Agent

In the early morning of 7th May, 2020 a poisonous gas leaked out of LG Polymers, a chemical factory in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh with atleast 10 death and over 5,000 sick and hospitalized. The company is owned by a South Korean battery maker LG Chemical Ltd. The chemical leaked during Vizag gas leak was identified […]

Inside Kim Jong Un’s Secret Harem Of Virgin Schoolgirls

Inside Kim Jong Un’s Secret Harem Of Virgin Schoolgirls

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is missing from action these days. That doesn’t mean he is missing all the action. While media is busy speculating about his untimely death, intelligence services think he maybe under self-quarantine with his ‘Pleasure Squad’ to protect himself from Coronavirus. The ‘Pleasure Squad’ is Kim Jong Un’s secret harem […]

$20 Trillion Lawsuit Against China For Waging Biological War

$20 Trillion Lawsuit Against China For Waging Biological War

Amidst worldwide criticism U.S. lawyer and conservative activist, Larry Klayman, his Company Buzz Photos and his group Freedom Watch have filed a $20 trillion lawsuit against China for waging a Biological war, alleging that it unleashed the coronavirus as a bioweapon upon the world. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It […]

First Dog Dies Of Coronavirus In Hong Kong

First Dog Dies Of Coronavirus In Hong Kong

First dog found with Coronavirus has died after returning home virus-free from quarantine, Hong Kong authorities reveal. The 17-year-old Pomeranian, which belonged to a Covid-19 patient, had been quarantined at a government facility since February 26, and returned home on Saturday. Owner said she was not willing to allow an autopsy to determine cause of […]

Are SpaceX Starlink Satellites Threat To Astronomy

Are SpaceX Starlink Satellites Threat To Astronomy

On 6 January, SpaceX launched 60 Starlink communications satellites into orbit. This brings the number of Starlink satellites in orbit now to 180, part of a planned fleet of as many as 42,000 spacecraft that SpaceX CEO Elon Musk says will bring internet access to underserved areas of the world. But they might also cause […]

India – Puerto Rico Lose Millions In Email Phishing Scam


Together India and Puerto Rico have lost millions in an email phishing scam. A senior Puerto Rico official said last month that the island’s government lost more than $2.6 million after falling for an email phishing scam. Similarly, in a hushed incident last year, India’s Central Bureau of Investigation has filed FIR against Pawan Hans […]

How CIA Hacked China’s Critical Infrastructure For Over A Decade

CIA hacked China's Critical Infrastructure

China’s largest cyber-security vendor has published a report detailing how the CIA hacked China’s critical infrastructure for over a decade. The report, authored by Qihoo 360, claims the CIA hacked targets in China’s aviation industry, scientific research institutions, petroleum industry, Internet companies, and government agencies. CIA hacking operations took place between September 2008 and June […]

GGI IMPACT: China Caught Smuggling Equipment For Pakistan’s Nukes

China Caught Smuggling Equipment For Pakistans Nukes

As a direct impact of GreatGameIndia reporting, China has been caught smuggling equipment for Pakistan’s nukes. The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has confirmed that the autoclave seized from the Chinese ship Dai Cui Yun was meant for Pakistan’s Shaheen II Nuclear Missile. The autoclave was being imported by the Islamabad-based United Construction Company […]