Cecil Rhodes – Secret Society For Anglo-Saxon British Empire


“Why should we not form a Secret Society with but one object, the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole world under British Rule, for the recovery of the United States, for making the Anglo Saxon race but one Empire? What a dream, but yet it is probable, it is possible.” […]

What Is The Deep State

What is the Deep State

A new focus on the Deep State in undermining the national interests has become a serious thought for many citizens. Not known to many, the Deep State has is origin in the British Empire and how the Round Table infiltrated former British colonies (including India) through America. Last year, fuel was added to this fire […]

How NSO Group Sold Its First Pegasus License


A legal dispute regarding brokerage fees sheds light on how NSO Group sold its first Pegasus license to a foreign country. American businessman Elliott Broidy, currently under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for possible violations of lobbying laws, was originally tapped as one of the architects of the deal despite admitting to illegal […]

Stolen Tirumankai Alvar Idol Found In British Museum

Stolen Tirumankai Alvar Idol found in British Museum

The idol of Tirumankai Alvar stolen from a temple in Tamil Nadu has been found in a British Museum. The idol was bought by the museum from the infamous auction house Sotheby’s involved in the smuggling and selling of world heritage including India. The Indian government has asked the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford to return […]

NATO’s Secret Plan To Win World War 3

NATO's Secret Plan to win World War 3

NATO’s Secret Plan to win World War 3 included a combination of traditional warfare and tactical nuclear weapons. Millions–maybe billions of people could have died. Thank god it never happened. Here is what World War III would have looked like… The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed in 1949 to oppose Soviet expansionism in […]

China Secretly Shipping Nuclear Arms To Pakistan


On February 12, 2020, GreatGameIndia issued an alert regarding a suspicious shipment off the western coast of India. The ship belonged to a Chinese shipping company blacklisted by the Americans last year and was destined to Pakistan. Further investigation revealed the seized shipment carried launching gear for missiles and that China was secretly shipping nuclear […]

How American Eugenics Movement Inspired Hitler

How American Eugenics Movement Inspired Hitler

The Nazis’ extermination program was carried out in the name of eugenics – but they were by no means the only advocates of racial purification. In this extract from his extraordinary book, Edwin Black describes how American Eugenics Movement inspired Hitler. These deadly theories were prevalent among the high circles of the British Empire from […]

Coronavirus Coverup – Exclusive Interview Of Former Virologist

Coronavirus Coverup

Below is an exclusive interview of Mr. Xiao En, a former Virologist at the US Army Research Institute on the many important questions related to Coronavirus Coverup by the Chinese administration. The interview was conducted by the New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) in Chinese and translated into English by GreatGameIndia team. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China […]

TRANSCRIPT: Bioweapons Expert Dr. Francis Boyle On Coronavirus

TRANSCRIPT Bioweapons Expert Dr Francis Boyle's Interview On Coronavirus

A recent interview with Bioweapons expert Dr. Francis Boyle published by GreatGameIndia and conducted by Geopolitics & Empire, has been exploding across the world the past few days as the truth is emerging on the origins of the Coronavirus Bioweapon. Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of […]

SHADOW – The Startup Behind Iowa Caucus Meltdown

Shadow Iowa Caucus 2020

SHADOW – a mobile app that was created to manage voter data so Democrats could close the digital gap with President Trump has instead sown chaos during the Iowa caucuses. Organizers of the local meetings were supposed to use the app created by startup Shadow to report results from Iowa’s unusual voting system. In the caucuses, people […]