Power Struggle In North Korea

Power struggle in North Korea

36-year old Kim Jong Un has been missing from the public eye and is suspected to be dead, according to unverified Japanese and American news sources. Last reported seen on April 11, Kim’s health and whereabouts have been the subjects of fervent speculation, particularly having missed the April 15 celebrations, marking the birthday of his […]

Dr Fauci Funded Wuhan Virus Experiments – Former NY Mayor

Dr Fauci Funded Wuhan Virus Experiments - Former NY Mayor

Former Mayor of New York City in an interview claimed that Dr Fauci funded Wuhan virus experiments which were prohibited by the US government for being dangerous. He claimed Dr. Fauci gave $3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory where suspicious experiments were conducted and demanded for an investigation to be opened into the matter. UPDATE: […]

Coronavirus & The Deep State – UNITAID, Gilead Sciences & WuXi AppTech

Coronavirus & The Deep State - Unitaid, Gilead Sciences & WuXi AppTech

This investigation by GreatGameIndia uncovers the Deep State collaborations between American and Chinese biotechs at the forefront of Coronavirus vaccine development – marketed worldwide by an entity funded by Bill Gates and Clinton initiative called UNITAID. WuXi AppTec’s partnership with Gilead Sciences in 2015 opens a window into the inner machinations of this global partnership […]

Gilead Sciences – The Coronavirus Vaccine Manufacturer Accused Of Bioterrorism

Gilead Sciences - A Vaccine Manufacturer Accused Of Bioterrorism

Gilead Sciences is an American biotechnology company holding the patent for drug Remdesivir for treating various Coronavirus in over 70 countries. The company has secured orphan drug status for Remdesivir, allowing it to exclusively obtain marketing revenues for up to 7 years. However, behind the benign image of a vaccine manufacturer, Gilead Science has a […]

FBI Report – Chinese Agent Caught With Deadly Viruses In Luggage

FBI Report - Chinese Agent Caught With Deadly Viruses In Luggage

In yet another case of biological espionage, an unclassified FBI report mentions how a Chinese agent was caught with deadly viruses in his luggage by border patrol while trying to smuggle them into US. The incident took place just over a year before Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, with deadly SARS virus and flu samples found […]

कोरोनावायरस परीक्षण प्रोटोकॉल में बड़े पैमाने पर धोखाधड़ी

कोरोनावायरस परीक्षण प्रोटोकॉल में बड़े पैमाने पर धोखाधड़ी

पूरे विश्व में इस वक़्त कोरोनावायरस के प्रकोप की वजह से लोगों तक टेस्टिंग किट और सुविधा व्यवस्था नहीं पहुँच पा रही है। और ऊपर से लॉकडाउन होनें की वजह से तथा सनकी मीडिया द्वारा बार-बार इन बातों को उजागर करने से एक बात तो साफ़ है कि राष्ट्रों के चिकित्सा बुनियादी ढांचे पूरी तरह […]

जैवयुद्ध विशेषज्ञ डॉ फ्रांसिस बॉयल – कोरोनावायरस एक जैविक युद्ध हथियार

जैवयुद्ध विशेषज्ञ डॉ फ्रांसिस बॉयल – कोरोनावायरस एक जैविक युद्ध हथियार

एक धमाकेदार साक्षात्कार में डॉ. फ्रांसिस बॉयल जिन्होंने जैविक हथियार अधिनियम का ड्राफ्ट तैयार किया था, उन्होंने एक विस्तृत बयान देते हुए कहा है, कि 2019 वुहान कोरोनावायरस एक आक्रामक जैविक युद्ध हथियार है। और इसके बारे में विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (WHO) पहले से ही जानता है। फ्रांसिस बॉयल यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ इलिनोइस कॉलेज ऑफ लॉ […]

The Massive Coronavirus Testing Protocol Fraud

The Massive Coronavirus Testing Protocol Fraud

Unavailability and access to testing kits and facilities combined with massive tests following faulty protocols and amplified by the hysterical media is wreaking havoc on the medical infrastructure of nations into lockdown due to Coronavirus resulting into more panic and chaos. As false results soar the World Health Organisation (WHO) has come under global criticism. […]

$20 Trillion Lawsuit Against China For Waging Biological War

$20 Trillion Lawsuit Against China For Waging Biological War

Amidst worldwide criticism U.S. lawyer and conservative activist, Larry Klayman, his Company Buzz Photos and his group Freedom Watch have filed a $20 trillion lawsuit against China for waging a Biological war, alleging that it unleashed the coronavirus as a bioweapon upon the world. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It […]

Finland Says WHO’s Coronavirus Protocol Doesn’t Work

Finland Says WHO's Coronavirus Protocol Doesn't Work

In a startling disclosure, a senior Finnish health official has dismissed a World Health Organization advisory saying WHO doesn’t understand pandemics and that their Coronavirus testing protocol is illogical and doesn’t work. Finland has 400 confirmed cases of coronavirus but no reported deaths so far. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized […]