Hollywood’s Secret Counterfeit Vaccine Network

Actual cards purloined from a hospital pharmacy where the vaccines were sold and included batch numbers but without names attached are used in Hollywood’s secret counterfeit vaccine network.

Fertility Rates In India Fall Across All Religious Groups

According to Pew Research Center data, the fertility rates in India have fallen across all religious groups, with the difference between Hindu and Muslim birth rates shrinking, going from a third to a quarter more births among the latter demographic.

US Energy Department’s Secret Report On COVID Origins

According to a report published on Sunday in the Wall Street Journal, the US Energy Department supports the theory of lab leaks on COVID origins, which was based on a secret intelligence report given to the White House and key congressional leaders.

America’s Dirtiest Secrets

America’s Dirtiest Secrets

When I began doing my historical research in earnest perhaps 20 years ago in Shanghai, my interest was driven by primarily two things: one was the incessant American propaganda flooding the world, and particularly China, with an entirely unjustified air of moral superiority that masked all of the American crimes and atrocities committed over centuries. The second was the irritating flood of negative propaganda about China, filling the print and airwaves about China’s mostly imaginary inferiority to the exceptional Americans. From this, I intended to write a series of articles, and perhaps a book or two, that illuminated the opposite side of these two pictures. This is an oversimplification, but my research and writing interests were limited to an attempt to rectify the standard narrative of “China bad; US good”.

Did Pentagon Shoot Down $12 Balloon With $400,000 Missile

According to U.S. National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby, the White House is aware of the situation despite the Pentagon’s refusal to say if it used a $400,000 missile to shoot down a $12 balloon.

UK To Launch Digital Pound Central Bank Digital Currency

The Bank of England has started consultations on trying to implement a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), which could lead the way in the globalist vision of a cashless economy where all transactions are easily detectable by the government, according to an announcement made this week by the de facto head of His Majesty’s Treasury. This implies that the UK is set to launch the digital pound central bank digital currency.