What Was Young Stalin Like?

The article below offers a glimpse into the early life of Stalin, shedding light on his character and experiences before he assumed leadership of the Soviet Union in 1924 and remained in power until his passing in 1953. Joseph Stalin’s early life spans the years from his birth on December 18, 1878 (or December 6, […]

How The FBI Planned the January 6 Operation

A nine-page study with the working title “1776 Returns” described how the FBI planned the January 6 operation. Cara Castronuovo of The Gateway Pundit writes on a stunning development in the US government’s prosecution of the Proud Boys in February of this year. It was found that the mysterious “1776 Returns” (pdf below) paper was […]

Canada To Create Registry Of Podcasters In Potential Censorship Initiative

Canada is going to create a registry of podcasters as a potential censorship initiative called the Online Streaming Act, formally Bill C-11, which will be in force on November 28. In an effort to control streaming services and social media platforms, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is leading Canada down a perilous path of censorship. The […]

US Taxpayers Funding Designer Knitwear Company in Ukraine

According to the German-registered nonprofit “Transparency International,” money from US taxpayers is being used to fund a designer knitwear company in Ukraine. According to a US investigation, American taxpayers’ hard-earned money is allegedly financing small companies in Ukraine, including a designer knitwear company, as the US continues to pump enormous sums of money into supporting […]

Untold Story Of How Canada Became A Safe Haven For Ukrainian WWII-Era Nazis

There is an untold story about how Canada became a safe haven for Ukrainian WWII-era Nazis, and former Nazi criminals and their descendants have enjoyed impunity. The controversy over the Canadian parliament’s decision to recognize Ukrainian Waffen SS soldier Yaroslav Hunka continues to rage, with demands for responsibility coming from Poland, Jewish organizations, Russia, the […]

How The West Fuel Conflicts And Escalate Crises In The World

During his speech to the UN General Assembly, Sergey Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia, said that the West fuels conflicts and escalates crises in the world. The West is fundamentally an “empire of lies,” according to Sergey Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia, and has a history of not upholding its commitments. Lavrov made […]

Could A New War Erupt Between Armenia And Azerbaijan?

According to Nikol Pashinyan, the prime minister of Armenia, on September 1, the Azerbaijani military forces launched another provocation, which could erupt between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The protracted dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Karabakh is on the verge of developing into another hot war, which is causing the situation in the South Caucasus to […]

Hunter Biden Sues Former Trump WH Aide Who Published Laptop Contents

According to a document filed on Wednesday night, Hunter Biden sued former Trump WH Aide Garrett Ziegler, who published laptop contents. Hunter Biden is suing a former Trump White House official for publicizing the information on his infamous “laptop from hell,” which includes numerous pieces of evidence against the Biden family as well as personal […]

US Seizes 1 Million Barrels Of Iranian Oil Allegedly En Route To China

The US seized 1 million barrels of Iranian oil from the ship Suez Rajan in April, which was allegedly being sold to China by the IRGC. The American administration has acknowledged that it intercepted about a million barrels of Iranian crude oil that were reportedly headed for China. The department issued its first criminal resolution […]