How US Govt Bought Mainstream Media Outlets To Propagate COVID Vaccine Propaganda

Although the HHS has not yet revealed how much advertising money was spent on each media platform, it has become clear that the Biden administration paid hundreds of media outlets taxpayer money to run ads promoting COVID jabs. This reports puts everything into perspective as for the last two years, mainstream media outlets have been bought by the US government to propagate COVID vaccine propaganda.

China Wants To Feed Millions With Seawater Rice

Chinese scientists have developed salt-tolerant strains of seawater rice that may be grown in coastal areas where crops are presently tough to cultivate. The news arrives as China works to safeguard local food and energy supplies in the face of geopolitical conflicts.

DRDO Makes Big Breakthrough In Quantum Technology

The advent of quantum technology poses a substantial risk to current security systems, and the country that manages to operate these technologies first will considerably shift the balance of power in its favor. In such an atmosphere, the news that DRDO has made a huge breakthrough in quantum technology is sending ripples across the globe.

Is Russia Targeting Secret US Bioweapons Labs In Ukraine?

As Russia begins to assault military sites in Ukraine, there is suspicion that the US Biolabs, which were built in Ukraine for the purpose of research and defense, would be targeted as well. Under the “Biological Threat Reduction Program,” the US has six such facilities in Ukraine. This has led to several people wondering if Russia is actually targeting the secret US bioweapons labs in Ukraine.

The Putin Doctrine – Russia’s Foreign Policy Of Constructive Destruction

It seems like Russia has entered a new era of its foreign policy – a ‘constructive destruction’, let’s call it, of the previous model of relations with the West. Parts of this new way of thinking have been seen over the last 15 years – starting with Vladimir Putin’s famous Munich speech in 2007 – but much is only just becoming clear now. At the same time, lackluster efforts to integrate into the western system, while maintaining a doggedly defensive attitude, has remained the general trend in Russia’s politics and rhetoric.