How Bad Is My Batch – The Story Of My Vaccine Injury By Dr Robert Malone

In fact, I do have a personal life. My wife of of 42 years and I are actually pretty private. Sharing personal history is not something I do everyday. However, as many of you know – I was vaccinated with Moderna twice and had a pretty significant vaccine injury. This was pretty early in the roll-out of the vaccines. It was long before the FOIA Japanese pre-clinical trial data that had so many red-flags and irregularities, long before we learned of all the issues with the clinical trials, and long before the VAERs and adverse events began to be known.

Baby Girl Dies From Brain Hemorrhage 5 Days After Pfizer Vaccine Shot

A heartbreaking statement of a mother who lost her baby due to brain hemorrhage after she got the vaccine has recently surfaced. The video that she uploaded has taken people by storm as the mother, who claims to be a pro-vaccine individual discovers the sides of the vaccine she didn’t want to see.

Globally Coordinated Political Warfare Of 21st Century To Implement The Great Reset Agenda

Perhaps one of the most controversial figures in the current society, Dr. Robert Malone, has noted the general public might just be in the midst of political warfare and a great reset of a coordinated nature. The global attempt at such an agenda ought to get more attention than it has, but the constructed narrative by mainstream media aids to keep everyone in the dark.

Why The Elites Are Obsessed With The End Of The World

In 1999, a young PhD candidate in philosophy named Nick Bostrom published an article in Mind entitled “The Doomsday Argument is Alive and Kicking.” The article asked whether probabilistic attempts to predict when the last human being would be born were reasonable. (They were, it argued.) The title, however, signaled something far more significant: the end of post–Cold War optimism. Human extinction was back on the menu.

Women’s Periods May Be Late After Covid Vaccination Finds New Study

A new study has revealed that women’s periods may be late after COVID vaccination. Some women said that their periods were delayed. Others reported unpleasant bleeding or greater bleeding than normal. Some postmenopausal ladies who didn’t have a single period in years claimed to have had their period back.