How India Is Creating Digital Health Accounts Of Its Citizens Without Their Knowledge

How India Is Creating Digital Health Accounts Of Its Citizens Without Their Knowledge

Electronic health records are a goldmine of information in India; insurance providers can forecast trends, pharmaceutical firms can concentrate on intervention for a specific disease, and diagnostic laboratories can advertise their tests to a specific audience. This is how India is creating digital health accounts of its citizens without their knowledge.

Have Chinese Spies Infiltrated American Elections?

Have Chinese Spies Infiltrated American Elections

My investigation into Eugene Yu and Konnech Inc. began two weeks ago after Catherine Englebrecht of TrueTheVote and Gregg Phillips of OPSEC organized an event on Saturday, August 13th in Arizona called “the Pit”.

No Evidence Anyone Should Get COVID Vaccines, UK Mathematician

No Evidence Anyone Should Get COVID Vaccines UK Mathematician

When COVID-19 vaccines were being produced, the UK government employed an over-purchasing approach to ensure sufficient supply even if one or more of them failed to work. However, there is no evidence to suggest that anyone should get COVID vaccines, according to a UK mathematician.

How US Toppled European & Central Asian Governments Using The Almighty Dollar

How US Toppled European And Central Asian Governments Using The Almighty Dollar

Since February, the US and its allies have paid “pseudo-pacifist” individuals in Russia more than four billion rubles ($66 million US), according to Deputy Security Council Secretary Alexander Grebenkin. The extravagant spending conforms within a well-established playbook of meddling used by Washington in Eastern Europe for well over 30 years, so it is nothing new. This is how the US topples European and Central Asian governments using the almighty dollar.

America’s Secret Government By Proxy

America's Secret Government By Proxy

There are 1,271 counterterrorist, homeland security, and intelligence organizations; 1,931 private sector analogues; 10,000 locations of these organizations; and ~854,000 people with top-secret security clearances as of 2010. To make matters worse, the line between private and public is obscure in this industry.

How Dick Cheney Created Anthony Fauci

How Dick Cheney Created Anthony Fauci

Few people in America today are as powerful and polarising as Anthony Fauci. For the Left, Fauci is a consummate cool-headed scientist, emblematic of the essential role of government. On the Right, he is a Deep State operative who destroyed the lives of countless people to serve a hidden agenda, all while mysteriously taking home a bigger paycheck than any other of the country’s two million federal employees (including their collective boss, the President).

The 100 Year War To Destroy Russia

The 100 Year War To Destroy Russia

The Beginning. “I come from the South and I know what war is, for I have seen its terrible wreckage and ruin. It is easy for me as President to declare war. I do not have to fight, and neither do the gentlemen on the Hill who now clamor for it. It is some poor farmer’s boy, or the son of some poor widow – who will have to do the fighting and dying.” Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, 1913-1921.

The “Great Reset”: A Blueprint For Destroying Freedom, Innovation, And Prosperity

The Great Reset A Blueprint For Destroying Freedom Innovation And Prosperity

How do nations become wealthy? Many are blessed with abundant natural resources. Others conquer foreign lands. Some specialize in unique trade skills and crafts. Timber, mining, fishing, sugar, rum, narcotics, cotton, silk, agriculture, conquest, human slavery, manufacturing, oil, industry, banking, and so on — depending on the century and the region, nations have attained tremendous wealth in myriad ways. Notice that no nation has managed merely to print money and tax its citizens on the path to prosperity. Real wealth cannot simply be conjured from thin air. There must be recognized value in what a nation and its citizens possess.