Are Energy Drinks Linked To Suicidal Thoughts In Children?

Are Energy Drinks Linked To Suicidal Thoughts In Children? 1

According to a study conducted by Fuse, the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health at Teesside University, and Newcastle University in the UK, energy drinks are linked to suicidal thoughts in children. According to new research, there may be more danger to children’s and young people’s brains from energy drinks than previously believed. Anxiety, […]

A ‘Well-Funded Cabal’ Influenced The 2020 Election—What Lies Ahead In 2024?

A ‘Well-Funded Cabal’ Influenced The 2020 Election—What Lies Ahead In 2024? 1

In a 2021 Time article titled ‘The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,’ author Molly Ball described how a ‘Well-Funded Cabal’ influenced the 2020 Election, with expectations for what lies ahead in 2024 Republicans will probably have a far tougher climb in the general election than many anticipate, even if […]

President Of Canadian LGBT Organization Arrested On Child Sex Abuse Charges

President Of Canadian LGBT Organization Arrested On Child Sex Abuse Charges 1

LGBT activist Sean Gravells, President of the Canadian LGBT organization North Peace Pride Society, has been arrested on child sex abuse charges. It appears that yet another activist who supports LGBT interaction with children has been observed engaging in much more than just community service. Prominent LGBT activist Sean Gravells, head of the North Peace […]

South Korea Opposition Leader Stabbed In Neck, Attacker Arrested

South Korean opposition leader Lee Jae-myung was stabbed in the neck by a man pretending to be a supporter. The attacker has been arrested. While on a visit to the southern seaside city of Busan, South Korea’s leading opposition party leader Lee Jae-myung was attacked by an unidentified assailant and was taken to a hospital […]

Actors ‘Blacklisted’ For Unvaccinated Status Speak Out

Actor Dorian Kingi has spoken out about an unofficial ‘Blacklist’ that movie studios have created for people with unvaccinated status. Due to his vaccination status, actor, stunt performer, and director, Dorian Kingi claims he hasn’t had a work in the entertainment sector for three years. The Emmy-winning actress Lindsay Wagner and stuntman Henry Kingi are […]

What Is White Lung Outbreak? Is It Real? Should You Be Worried?

Health officials in the US are working quickly to ascertain the white lung outbreak and whether we should be worried. Concerns about a possible new pandemic are being raised by reports of an unexplained respiratory ailment in China. There have already been reports of cases in several US states with what some are calling “white […]

70% Of Deaths From Pfizer Vaccine In Japan Reported Within 10 Days Of Jab

A new study published in the Cureus journal on December 7 found that 70% of deaths from the Pfizer vaccine in Japan were reported within 10 days of the jab. A recent study found that in Japan, around 70% of individuals who died after getting the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine passed away within the first 10 […]

Italy Bans Lab-Grown Meat

In a Facebook post, Italy’s Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, announced on November 16 that Italy bans lab-grown meat. Italy was the first nation to outlaw cultivated meat, citing concerns for the welfare of its people, the farming sector, and the economy. Lab-grown meat sometimes referred to as “cultivated meat,” is produced in a laboratory […]

Experts Predict Mind-Controlled Devices May Be Common By 2040s

Mohit Shivdasani, a biomedical engineering specialist at the University of New South Wales, predicts that mind-controlled devices using smart brain technology may be common by the 2040s. Experts believe that advances in “smart brain” technology will allow people to operate smart devices with their minds by 2040. A wearable or implanted gadget known as a […]

Moderna Hires FBI Agent To Secretly Control Vaccine Debate

According to an exclusive report by investigative journalists Lee Fang and Jack Poulson, Moderna has been reported to hire former FBI agents to secretly control the vaccine debate. Moderna, a pharmaceutical company, is using its disinformation department to monitor what it refers to as “vaccine misinformation” online. The goal is to silence any dissenting opinions […]