The Pre-Bitcoin History You Should Know

The Pre-Bitcoin History You Should Know

Although Bitcoin is now the best kind of currency, it is an evolution of those that humanity has already used. But what exactly is basic cash? Here’s the pre-bitcoin history you should know.

Toronto Wants To Kill The Smart City Forever

The new Waterfront Toronto project in Toronto, dubbed Quayside 2.0, is tipped to be a bucolic retreat rather than a technological utopia, which may kill the smart city forever.

Mass Hypnosis: Why Can’t People See Through The COVID Deception?

Mass Hypnosis Why Can’t People See Through The COVID Deception

Professor Mattias Desmet, a Belgian psychologist with a master’s degree in statistics, gained worldwide recognition toward the end of 2021, when he presented the concept of “mass formation” as an explanation for the absurd and irrational behavior we were seeing with regard to the COVID pandemic and its countermeasures.

The Astonishing Implications Of Schedule F

The Astonishing Implications Of Schedule F

Two weeks before the 2020 general election, on October 21, 2020, Donald Trump issued an executive order (E.O. 13957) on “Creating Schedule F in the Excepted Service.”

A Short History Of Big Pharma Colonialism In India

A Short History Of Big Pharma Colonialism In India

It may surprise you that the pharmaceutical industry is not always motivated purely by a high purpose of discovering new drugs to protect humanity from diseases and viruses. This article will expose the dark side of the pharmaceutical industry—an industry that many believe to be among the most corrupt of all industries.

Covid Exposed The Medical-Pharmaceutical-Government Complex

Covid Exposed The Medical Pharmaceutical Government Complex

United States medical history bears out Ayres’s paradox. The biggest increases in US life expectancy occurred early in the Twentieth Century, when people had increasing access to calories and protein, better water and sanitation. Lives lengthened sharply decades before vaccines, antibiotics or nearly any drugs were available, and a century before hospitals merged into corporate Systems.