$400 Billion Was Stolen In Covid Fraud

According to the Associated Press in their latest investigation titled “The Great Grift,” it was found that $400 billion was stolen in COVID fraud from taxpayers. In case you had any lingering doubts that forcibly shutting down the entire economy over a virus and replacing economic activity with government payments does not represent a smart […]

The Bidens ‘Coerced’ Burisma To Pay $10 Million In Bribes

Allegedly, Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky possessed 17 recordings implicating the Bidens in a pay-to-play scandal. The allegation suggests that the Bidens coerced Burisma into paying $10 million in bribes. The Bidens allegedly “coerced” a foreign national to pay them $10 million in bribes, according to individuals familiar with the investigation into the FBI’s handling of […]

India Threatens Facebook With Operations Shutdown In India Due To Lack Of Cooperation

As a consequence of Facebook’s alleged lack of cooperation with the state police in an investigation involving an imprisoned Indian citizen in Saudi Arabia, the Indian state of Karnataka has threatened to shut down Facebook’s operations. The Karnataka High Court has recently issued a stern warning to Facebook, raising the possibility of taking measures to […]

Brahma Kamal: The Divine Flower Of Uttarakhand Himalayas

Brahma Kamal, known as the Divine Flower of Uttarakhand Himalayas, holds great significance in the mountain culture of the region. This beautiful flower flourishes in the Himalayan regions. Brahma Kamal (Saussurea Obvallata), when bathed in moonlight against the backdrop of the mighty Himalayas, looks absolutely ethereal! Brimming with religious significance, the flower flourishes in the […]

Earth Once Had Just 19-Hour-Long Days

According to a study published in the journal Nature Geoscience, Earth once had just 19-hour-long days due to the presence of the Moon. Earth once had days that were only 19 hours long, a stark contrast to the current 24-hour cycle, which is the result of the planets rotation on its own axis. During a […]

SCARY. Here’s What Remote Workers Will Look Like In 70 Years

Furniture At Work, following research from the University of Leeds, has revealed a scary glimpse into what remote workers will look like in 70 years. While working from home was once a rare treat, it has become the norm for millions of people following the Covid-19 pandemic. But a grotesque new model may have you asking to […]

Harvard Manager Stole Heads, Brains, Skin, Bones From Donated Bodies And Sold Them

According to a federal indictment, Cedric Lodge, the morgue manager at Harvard Medical School, is accused of stealing heads, brains, skin, bones, and other body parts from donated bodies and selling them. The morgue manager at Harvard Medical School allegedly stole heads, brains, skin and other body parts and sold them, according to a federal […]

Meet Academic Disinfo Queen Claire Wardle

Claire Wardle is the academic disinformation queen who’s a part of Brown University and has also been chosen to brief CISA’s advisory committee, which is allegedly doing federal censorship of Americans. The Washington Post defended campus researchers collaborating with federal agencies to censor Americans in an awkward, bumbling article last week, alleging that congressional staff […]

Asian Central Banks To Adopt Iran’s SWIFT Alternative As De-Dollarization Accelerates

As de-dollarization accelerates, the central banks of Asian countries that are part of the Asian Clearing Union will adopt Iran’s SWIFT alternative, SEPAM. The central banks of Asian countries that are part of the Asian Clearing Union will adopt Iran’s SWIFT alternative as de-dollarization accelerates. In the latest shot fired in the growing rebellion against […]

A Quiet Revolution Is Unfolding Against ‘Woke’ Corporate America

Scott Shepard, a Fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR) and director of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project, says that a quiet revolution is unfolding against ‘woke’ corporate America. Consumer boycotts against “woke” corporations such as Target and Anheuser-Busch are the key to reversing race, gender, and environmental activism in corporate […]