In 1983 Dr Fauci Deceptively Attempted To Link AIDS To Children And Failed

In May 1983, amid the rapidly escalating AIDS crisis, a doctor at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) promoted a stunning theory about the newly encountered disease in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Noting that the same issue of the journal contained an article documenting one of the first cases of the immunodeficiency disease’s appearance in an infant, the author sounded an alarm about “the possibility that routine close contact, as within a family household, can spread the disease.”

Did Mass Vaccination Cause Second Mutant COVID-19 Wave In India?

India saw nearly 750% increase in COVID-19 cases in less than a month. Was this spike logical? Did the state or the city of Mumbai do something different to invite this sudden surge? The next stop for this mutant was Delhi, the national capital. Is this new double mutant very particular and choosy on where it strikes? It does appear it is; otherwise, why should it jump from Mumbai to Delhi and then Bengaluru bypassing many other states and cities en route? Did the mass vaccination drive in these metro cities cause the second COVID-19 wave in India? Or is there something else?

How Excessive Use Of Plasma And Remdesivir Is Helping Covid Virus To Mutate

The increasing and excessive use of plasma and Remdesivir for treatment is helping the Covid virus to mutate. If India does not follow evidence-based treatment, it can soon become the breeding ground for many variants of Coronavirus, Dr Raman Gangakhedkar, ex-ICMR scientist said during Covid briefings.