America’s Dirtiest Secrets

America’s Dirtiest Secrets

When I began doing my historical research in earnest perhaps 20 years ago in Shanghai, my interest was driven by primarily two things: one was the incessant American propaganda flooding the world, and particularly China, with an entirely unjustified air of moral superiority that masked all of the American crimes and atrocities committed over centuries. The second was the irritating flood of negative propaganda about China, filling the print and airwaves about China’s mostly imaginary inferiority to the exceptional Americans. From this, I intended to write a series of articles, and perhaps a book or two, that illuminated the opposite side of these two pictures. This is an oversimplification, but my research and writing interests were limited to an attempt to rectify the standard narrative of “China bad; US good”.

How Uganda Stopped Ebola So Quickly

According to Dr. Amy Boore, Director of Global Health Protection at the CDC, one of the reasons Uganda stopped Ebola so quickly was due to identifying the species of the virus as the Sudan species.

Here Is Davos Plan For The Next Pandemic

Klaus Schwab said that the pandemic is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to undertake the Great Reset, which reveals the plan that Davos has for the next pandemic.

Baxcalibur – Ice Dragon Pokémon

Baxcalibur Ice Dragon Pokémon

The introduction of this generation set in the Paldea region has been greeted with great enthusiasm by trainers worldwide. The starters are noteworthy and captivating, the legendaries are awe-inspiring, and many of the new mons have become fan favorites. This includes the pseudo legendary of the region, Baxcalibur.

Technocratic Dystopia Is Impossible

Technocratic Dystopia Is Impossible

In the coming technocratic dystopia, life will be grim for most of us. For those who survive the preliminary depopulation, a technological control grid run by AI and robots will keep tabs on our every movement. You notice that your pantry cube is running a bit low on freeze-dried bug burgers, fake meat, and cockroach milk.