When CIA Director Dan Coats Was Shocked That India Could Launch 104 Satellites On A Single Rocket

During US Senate Select Intelligence Committee confirmation hearing in March 2017, DNI (Director of National Intelligence) and CIA Director pick Dan Coats were shocked to learn that India could launch more than a hundred satellites into space on a single rocket. The director then proposes to develop defensive and offensive capabilities to counter India’s technological edge in space.

China’s Secret Human Animal Hybrid Experiments

China is conducting secret Frankenstein-style human-animal hybrid experiments creating super viruses, human-monkey hybrids, human head transplants on monkeys and pigs, gene-editing babies, super soldiers etc. Most of these experiments are exported out of western countries since they were shutdown in the west due to heavy criticism.

Canadian Parliament Erupt Over Cover Up Of Chinese Spies Stealing Coronavirus From Winnipeg Lab To Wuhan

Recently, the Canadian parliament erupted over a heated debate regarding the cover-up of Chinese spies stealing coronavirus from the Winnipeg based BSL-4 lab to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The Chinese espionage story was first reported by GreatGameIndia in Jan, 2020, for which we are being actively targeted by the NATO’s war propaganda arm – the Atlantic Council. The president of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has been given until the end of the week to explain why two Canadian government scientists were let go 18 months after being escorted from Canada’s only Level 4 laboratory.

Was Tanzania’s President John Magufuli Assassinated For Exposing COVID-19 Plandemic?

Tanzania’s President John Magufuli has died at a hospital in Dar es Salaam, the country’s vice president announced in a televised address on Wednesday. He was 61. His sudden has raised many questions including whether Tanzania’s President was assassinated for exposing the COVID-19 plandemic by taking controversial action against Big Pharma and the WHO and their global push for vaccines.

WHO Whistleblower Dr Astrid Stuckelberger Expose Suspicious Activities Of Bill Gates And GAVI

A whistleblower from the WHO, Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger in a stunning confession exposed the suspicious activities of Bill Gates and GAVI. She says the rules under which countries work with WHO virtually put WHO in charge of all rules and formal edicts and announcements — with Gates being right there as part of the executive board like an unofficial member state, making decisions that affect the entire world.