According to researchers from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, a study revealed that individuals who are “up to date” with COVID-19 vaccines are more likely to be infected.

A pharmacy advertises COVID-19 vaccines in New York on May 11, 2023. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

People who are “up to date” with their COVID-19 vaccinations are more likely to get infected, according to a new study.

Vaccinated people who received one of the updated bivalent vaccines had a higher risk of becoming infected when compared to people who hadn’t—a group that included both vaccinated and unvaccinated people—researchers with the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio found.

The higher risk held even after adjusting for factors such as age and job location.

“This study highlights the challenges of counting on protection from a vaccine when the effectiveness of the vaccine decreases over time as new variants emerge that are antigenically very different from those used to develop the vaccine,” Dr. Nabin Shrestha and other researchers said.

The Omicron XBB subvariant became dominant in the United States in January. The bivalent vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer target BA.4 and BA.5, as well as the old Wuhan strain.

The study, published on the medRxiv server (pdf) on June 12 ahead of peer review, included 48,344 employees of the Cleveland Clinic, 47 percent of whom had evidence of prior infection. Employees were included if they were employed in the fall of 2022, when the bivalent vaccines first became available, and were still employed when the XBB strain and its lineages became dominant. The study covered Jan. 29 to May 10. People whose age and sex weren’t available were excluded.

Analyzing the vaccine effectiveness with a Simon–Makuch hazard plot, the researchers treated each employee as “not up to date.” When a worker received a bivalent dose, they started counting as “up to date.” Employees stopped being counted if they were fired.

During the study period, 1,475, or 3 percent of clinic employees, became infected.

Being “not up to date” was associated with a lower risk of infection, with an unadjusted hazard ratio of 0.78 and an adjusted hazard ratio of 0.77. A hazard ratio of less than 1 means a smaller risk of infection.

Researchers didn’t provide vaccine effectiveness estimates because they didn’t calculate how many of the infected employees were unvaccinated, Shrestha told The Epoch Times via email. Most employees, 87 percent, had received at least one dose of a vaccine.

The Cleveland Clinic has been offering employees tests and vaccinations throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The health care nonprofit started offering bivalent vaccine doses on Sept. 12, 2022, shortly after it was cleared by regulators and recommended for virtually all vaccinated people by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In a podcast hosted by Patrick Bet-David on YouTube, former Trump administration adviser Peter Navarro revealed that Fauci lied to Trump about the Pfizer COVID-19 shot, claiming it was a true vaccine.

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4 Responses

  1. Trump knew what was in the vaccines, which is why he never had them and don’t forget the contracts he supplied for the vaccines were secret and you can find out why if you follow the link I provide below 11.04.2023: Biden to Spend $5 Billion on New Coronavirus Vaccine Initiative Supported by Gates, Fauci and Republican Lawmakers: The Defender
    The U.S. government will spend $5 billion on a program to accelerate the development of new coronavirus vaccines and therapeutics, White House officials announced this week. Project NextGen, a successor to Operation Warp Speed, has bipartisan support and will receive funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundations.
    Written into the secret contracts signed by Trump is the clause that vaccine makers will make and distribute mRNA vaccines at prices decided and set by them and until at least 2027, which the government then has to distribute, whether the vaccines work or don’t, of course, re: Biden to Spend $5 Billion on New Coronavirus Vaccine Initiative.
    Google: Pfizer-DominicanRepublic-Vaccine-Term-Sheet-19Jan2021. A Dual language copy of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, secret contract, for vaccines for an explanation of the contract contents, which applies to your country.

  2. Confidential Pfizer document shows the company observed 1.6 million adverse events covering nearly every organ system
    by Daniel Horowitz
    Posted on June 15, 2023

    Pfizer knew early on that their vaccines were dangerous. From Daniel Horowitz at

    Over 10,000 categories of nearly 1.6 million adverse events – many of them serious and debilitating – brought to you by Pfizer!
    You might not have heard it in the news, but in recent months, Pfizer’s pharmacovigilance documents requested by the European Union’s drug regulator, the European Medicines Agency, have been released. They show that Pfizer knew about a sickening level of injury early on. An August 2022 document shows that the company already had observed the following scope of vaccine injury:

    508,351 individual case reports of adverse events containing 1,597,673 events;
    One-third of the AEs were classified as serious, well above the standard for safety signals usually pegged at 15%;
    Women reported AEs at three times the rate of men;
    60% of cases were reported with either “outcome unknown” or “not recovered,” so many of the injuries were not transient;

    Highest number of cases occurred in the 31-50 year age group, and 92% did not have any comorbidities, which makes it very likely it was the vaccine causing such widespread, sudden injury.
    These numbers alone suggest that all COVID shots should be defunded and Congress must immediately remove liability protections from the manufacturers. But a more recent document released by the Europeans is even more devastating, because it breaks down the 1.6 million adverse events observed by Pfizer by category and subcategory of ailment and injury.

    OutOfMind News

  3. The whole “vaccines are safe” narrative for the past 200 years is actually based on an assumption that all the vaccines are safe.
    There is actually no credible large-scale post-marketing study for any vaccine used in the US today that actually backs up this claim.
    It’s all based on faith in seriously flawed studies.
    There isn’t a credible post-marketing objective epidemiological study for any vaccine in the US. That’s right. Not a single one.
    The whole “vaccines are safe” narrative is built on belief and seriously flawed studies, and not on proper objective epidemiological studies which could have been easily done but were not.
    If we cannot prove safety at the level of <1 death per 10M doses in children, we should not be vaccinating more kids (or adults) until we have done the proper post-marketing safety study on the kids we’ve already vaccinated.
    The fact that no state is willing to do the study but is at the same time still recommending that kids (and adults) get vaccinated should be deeply troubling to everyone.
    It is a symptom of a seriously out-of-control medical community that cares more about following directives from the CDC than patient safety.
    The rationale for vaccinating kids (and adults) is nonsensical.
    The narrative that vaccines are safe is built on belief and/or flawed studies, not on data.
    Steve Kirsch
    Me: Death or Injuries and later death by vaccines are self proven, where is the medical proof that vaccines work, or they are just genocide on a major scale?
    Do not condone vaccines, or condone Genocide, until proven otherwise.

  4. Me: Over 30 years, never ill, never got a cold or the flu or a coronavirus: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt (I use shop bought, Iodine based, table salt) in a mug of clean cold or warm water, cup a hand and pour in some solution, sniff or snort the entire contents up your nose, in small doses, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If a burning sensation, then you have a virus in your nasal passages, behind your eyes, in the escutcheon tubes to your inner ears, brain bulb, brain stem (hence Long Covid) so wait until burning stops (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night, or more often if you want for a quicker result, until it feels like you are flushing with water – job done – or go to the sea and sniff or snort salt water up your nose and around your nasal passages – same thing. Probably good for Long Covid too.
    The 5 day isolation, is when the Coronavirus transmutes to Covid in your head, passed down into your body in the one liter of snot we each produce daily, the engine oil of the body, in my opinion – a vaccine in your arm is not going to heal a Coronavirus in your head, nor the residue after a Covid type flu has passed, in your head, is it?
    It can take up to 2-3 weeks after clearing a virus infection in the head, for Covid to occur in the body.
    My free salt water cure does what no synthetic mRNA vaccine will ever be able to do – it kills the virus in the nasal passages of the head, before it gets to become anything else and it is the method which has kept me “never ill” for over 30 years and there is no reason why your health should not be the same as mine, if you do as I do. Cost zero – time taken less than 3 minutes, each complete snort or sniffle.
    Needless to say, do whenever you think you might have caught an airborne nasal infection, from someone else.
    Probably good for Long Covid, as it flushes your nasal passages out and leaves no place, not washed. So much for synthetic mRNA vaccines – you get a head cold and you inject a vaccine in your arm to clear it – like duh!! – much laughter, you have got to be kidding, right?

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